[semi-closed] ['cause my kind of love is an ugly love]

Aug 11, 2009 22:31

WHO: Hulk and She-Hulk (Jen), later open
WHERE: At an abandoned building, thought there will be a wide path of carnage
WARNINGS: Hulk liek squishing things
SUMMARY: Bruce and Jen are like siblings. Hence, they fight like siblings. Hulk siblings.
FORMAT: Parawhosit

The Hulk snorted, flat nostrils flaring out hard. He was angry, furious, wanted to get his teeth around something and just feel it rupture underneath the straight hard pressure of his jaws. Wanted to rip, wanted to tear. He hurt, so something else had to hurt as a result. Hulk felt out loud, a massive creature of animal impulse and emotion. Lifting his head, he smelled her again. The scent pulled down the back of his throat and he spat it back out in a bellow.

Jen. Jennnnnnnn.

Had to find. It wasn't often that a thought from puny Bruce Banner made its way into Hulk's skull, but Hulk felt the same thing the stupid little man felt for Betty and Jennn.

Bruce Banner was angry.

Hulk was angrier.

† bruce banner | hulk, jennifer walters | she-hulk

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