
Apr 19, 2009 23:23

WHO: Ed and Al
WHERE: Casa de los Elrics in Chinatown
WHEN: Friday night, April 17th?
WARNINGS: Armor emo and foul language
SUMMARY: Al has been transformed back into his armor self, and he and Ed freak out about it. Things happen. This is the best summary ever, shut up.
FORMAT: Para-para-paragraph

All told, they'd had closer calls when it came to angry mobs. Maybe it was a sign that Ed was getting too used to this place, but he'd take a mob armed with cellphones and briefcases over one that had torches and pitchforks. This mob didn't hold a candle to most they'd come up against back home. At least Ed knew that was true for himself and his Alphonse. He assumed Al and his brother were just as magnetic when it came to attracting trouble.

Of course, now Al was back to being just. Magnetic.

They'd gotten home from the fight without the alchemy supplies they'd gone to procure, but that was the least of Ed's concerns. He sat at the kitchen table and held his cold automail hand against the welt on his cheek as he watched Al clank around. It was a hard image to process. Al, back in his armor, tried to navigate their apartment, which must have been harder than it looked. The remote control for the cable box hadn't survived its close encounter with Al's metal heel, and passing too near the fridge gained him several colorful magnets stuck haphazardly on his side.

Ed picked off a banana-shaped magnet as Al passed. "Siddown, will ya? You're giving me a crick in my neck."

† alphonse elric | armoured alchemist, † edward elric | fullmetal alchemist, *in progress

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