Who: The fabulous and indomitable Edna Mode along with whichever misguided souls stop by at her admittedly less than ideal place of residence.
What: A plethora of possibilities centered around Edna's setting up of shop, mostly involving destroying things, building other things, painting and hanging, the exchange of parts for services and potential
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Honestly, what better business was there to invest in? In a town of super heroes, a fashion designer who designed FOR super heroes? It was pretty sound logic, in his own mind.
For this adventure, he'd chosen a smart looking pinstripe suit with a red tie and patent leather boots. His ears had shiny black earrings and his usually crazy spiky hair was tamed a bit. One had to look fashionable when meeting with a fashion designer.
Hiruma stepped out of the car and approached the... well.. she was... very small.
"Kekeke. You must be Mode-san, right?" He put on his best face, smiling like a demon with his pointed teeth, "Not much to look at, but it can be fixed up, I should think."
"The shoes are a bit much, dahling," she mused without looking at him, as if all along she'd been studying Hiruma rather than the unpleasing brick facade of her home, "Less shine, next time. Otherwise, quite fabulous."
A heavy sigh and she turned with a bouncing little jerk that bespoke heavy judgment billowing out of those lense-encased eyes. Edna stood very still for a moment, evaluating him as her hair flounced and settled, as glossy perfect as ever, "Stucco, do you think? Black accents for the windows. Clean, bold, a good backdrop for a nice little shop. Brick is such a miserable pattern, dahling."
"Oh definitely. This brick, it's not nearly modern enough," he approached the building and scraped the brick with a fingernail, "Jesus, it's even chipping. Just cause the building was built in the 70's doesn't mean it has to look at it. Crisp, clean, modern. That's what it needs, inside and out. Kekeke, I am sure I can get someone in here to make sure the building is up to code too. "
She spat the word out viciously, as if it had a bitter taste, "...Or force. Distasteful, really, dahling. Ah, well. Little to do but build and create."
It was more of an accident that she ran into Edna, such a short woman, easily missed. The Decepticon stopped short of nearly stepping on her while lost in thought. "Why are you st-...sorry." she spoke, stopping herself from going off on the woman. It was difficult to try and be a decent and polite human being.
"Dahling," she the voice, a softly threatening timber, as one might here from a queen issuing an edict of war, "What are you wearing?"
Biting the inside of cheek as she took a calming breath she let herself relax. "My work uniform." she replied in the least spiteful tone she could manage. "Hideous, I know. And I know very little of human fashion." she admitted.
"Come-come now, Dahling," she snapped, annoyed at the pace, "Do you know why you are here?"
He didn't do this hero stuff. He didn't care about this hero stuff. It wasn't like Reaper work, the thrill of chasing down Players - there was no chance to leave endless little clues around, to cackle as Noise tore the failures limb from limb. Hero work was, in short, boring.
Without the Game to occupy him, there were exactly two things Sho Minamimoto was concerned with: Mathematics, and art. To him, really, it was only one thing, one glorious, unified whole.
The rest of the world? Garbage. Meaningless shit, a pile of endless signs and signifiers with no solidity underneath them.
Unfortunately, art didn't pay the bills, and so Sho found himself walking everywhere. It didn't help that the public transit in this city was terrible - he'd heard stories about how much American transit sucked, but he'd never suspected it was this bad.
So it was that he had to walk to Edna's. Unlike Hiruma, he hadn't bothered to change his getup. He had a unique style - all his clothes were designed by CAT to his specifications ( ... )
"Dahling, stop staring," she called back, annoyance grating clear in her voice, turning to look solemnly at him only after she'd spoken, "It doesn't suit you."
He hadn't planned on meeting the mysterious designer any time soon. The apartment building she had appropriated just happened to be on his way home from work; it was as he was walking by that he noticed a small woman standing outside on the sidewalk, regarding the building. He slowed his pace, absently placing his hands into his sweatshirt pockets.
"Are you looking for something?" He asked.
"Edna Mode. We've spoken before."
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