crucifriction and
sh_consultingWHERE: An abandoned building.
WHEN: Two in the morning on the 25th.
WARNINGS: Violence.
SUMMARY: Sherlock intrudes upon Azrael. It doesn’t go well.
FORMAT: First quick, then I don't know.
that if you crawled through and saw, you would die, or be happy forever. )
Comments 20
The signs of Azrael's trail here hadn't been hard to follow - dragging a hostage home wasn't exactly something that one could accomplish without leaving marks.
Gun in hand, he pushes the huge doors open just a crack - just a sliver, to slip through. Gun in his hand, adrenaline in his veins and it just feels so much better than it has in weeks.
He hears the babbling long before he gets to it - the murmured whisper of a voice from two floors down, slowly growing louder as Sherlock's silent footfalls padded up the steps.
He stepped into the room with all the careful quiet of a feline predator, gun raising.]
I would say that I'm sorry to interrupt, but I'm not.
His tone is impassionate, controlled, as if a sliver of sanity has been restored to him. ]
What are you trying to accomplish, Sherlock? Who do you believe you're saving?
He kept inching closer, each footfall soft but deliberate. Tiny little white notes began to appear around the victim, every detail of the man's life springing to life. It didn't matter to Sherlock what they said. He could have just come from a murder, but that didn't mean Sherlock was about to let a second one happen.
Not when he'd already figured it out.]
Don't even try it. You make a move to hurt him and I'll make sure to put a bullet somewhere very unpleasant.
[ Yet, he's distracted by the notes. His gaze darts to and fro, forgoing his hostage entirely. ]
Do you wish me to release him? Volunteer myself to be shoved in NOHoPE?
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