WHO: James Bond & Khisanth
WHERE: A Louisiana swamp! What a charming place for an outing.
WHEN: today i think??
WARNINGS: probably not
SUMMARY: A spy and a dragon walk into a swamp...
FORMAT: quicklog
driving down the highway like the perfect sunny dream )
Comments 129
He parks up in the reserve car park some way away and travels the swamp by foot, dressed for the occasion in heavy walking boots, jeans and a zip-up hoody that keeps him mostly covered from the insects (the repellent he used helps with that). It's a fair few ours of traipsing through the mud before he stops for a breather, catching a few signs of something having been in the area recently. Picking out a dragon who doesn't want to be seen is surprisingly difficult.]
She doesn't move from her lazy sprawl at the bank of a tiny island in one of the bogs. His path will take him shortly to within sight of her, which works well enough for her. With head rested on her forepaws she watches where he'll appear. ]
And then he sees her- how could he not- already watching him and he's certain she's known of his presence for some time now, which only brings a broad smile to his lips as he approaches, stopping short before he gets himself too deep in one of the surrounding bogs.]
Darling, you're looking amazing this evening, as always.
Which isn't to say she doesn't still appreciate compliments. ]
More so, I should hope, for being in a more suitable setting. [ This flashy display of really large teeth is probably a grin. ] And speaking of, you're looking a little displaced this evening.
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