Half a name of light, half a drury ending -- but always sought.

Oct 28, 2011 23:35

WHERE: All over the City, just tag in your position.
WHEN: Between October 25, 2011 and October 29th, 2011.
WARNINGS: Will edit... In case... Well.
SUMMARY: I'm sure there's someone who wants to hit him, or something.
FORMAT: Tagger's choice.

It is a very sad thing that nowadays there is so little useless information. )

kate kane | batwoman, felicia hardy | black cat, mitchell hundred | the great machine, harvey dent | two-face, katurian katurian | the pillowman, desire | n/a, † marquise spinneret mindfang | n/a, edward nygma | riddler, *open

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Wednesday, sometime...during the ... day homomachinis October 30 2011, 00:30:21 UTC
In City Hall, Edward probably doesn't get the intellectual stimulation that he probably desires, but at least it's a prolific enough job in the import community. Unfortunately, there are weeks like this, and that means Eddie probably sees more of his boss than normal. He's constantly coming into the office with something or another for Edward to do.

Which meant lots of work, and lots of the bossman coming in, which was what Wednesday was like, wherein Mitch didn't even knock before striding into Edward's office, one hand holding his Blackberry, the other holding onto a thick sheaf of papers.


homomachinis October 30 2011, 19:21:42 UTC
Freed. Like a caged bird, he shifted, and tried to play as casual as possible. He had spent years playing the game, but he couldn't lie to this man. Edward was doing wonders for his honesty, or at least his ability to dodge the truth. Being out of the predicament, he visibly relaxed.

He put a hand on his hip. "You know, you're not encouraging me to take a vacation, and I haven't been on one in years. It was bad enough back when I was mayor back home, let alone what could happen if I left here."


enigmaestro October 31 2011, 06:57:27 UTC
"Then I suppose you shouldn't make such idle threats, now should you?" Eddie crossed a leg, his eyes meandering over his discarded book once more. "It's really misleading, Mitchell."

He flashed a grin, suddenly, offering an inside beat of the joke.

"You should consider adequate backup, after this mess concludes. Powers or not, you're only human. And humans are only mortal -- for the most part."


homomachinis October 31 2011, 07:03:31 UTC
"Hah," he laughed, a bit to himself, and only a bit for Eddie's benefit. "Adequate backup only goes so far, doesn't it? Or am I supposed to start fearing for my life now?" an eyebrow quirks, a lip upturns.

"Or are you afraid I'm going to set my sights somewhere else and leave the City all by itself?" He wouldn't, not really. It would have to be a cold day in hell before he considered leaving for the higher territory, at least here. Maybe because being in one DC was enough, or maybe it was sentiment. Or law. There were any number of reasons. "Maybe give you this fucking job. I'm sure you'd love it."


enigmaestro October 31 2011, 07:07:48 UTC
"I know you won't leave, Mitch." Eddie waved off the idea, like one would an aggressive fly. "So naturally the scenario I'm discussing is one of two instances: your eventual and reoccurring death, or your porting out of this universe."

Eddie leveled a glare, keeping Mitch's attention captive.

"You must implement some strategy of government to fill the void you'd leave. Some degree of structure -- Or yes, someone will take advantage of that vacuum," he said with gravity. "Someone like, perhaps, a Vulcanus agent."

The hypothetical, though spoken idly, was heavy in imagination.

"Do you even have any idea of what to do, if these variables aligned?"


homomachinis October 31 2011, 07:13:55 UTC
Fuck. That was enough to propel him across the room, and flop into one of the chairs in the office. Enough to bring his hand up from an armrest, and to the bridge of his nose. His eyes moved from Edward to a point on the carpet. So captivating, it was. Completely mundane in every way.

"Shit, you just had to bring that kind of possibility into play, didn't you?" he finally began after a few moments of silence. "Of course I've put thought into it, but things like this, they have structure. It doesn't matter if we're in a fake New York City, we've still got traditions and laws," he paused, and finally his eyes slid from the carpet to the man behind his desk. Connection made.

"You're saying you don't trust the people in line, aren't you?"


enigmaestro October 31 2011, 07:21:39 UTC
"Traditions and laws fragmented after each major crisis. Increasingly meaningless, in the bigger perspective. Don't you see? You're not even a native of this universe and you're mayor. Two years ago you wouldn't have been considered even a second class citizen, much less something electable. Do you really think the structure we perceive now will remain exactly the same in a couple of years to come?"

Eddie snorted, his disdain evident.

"It's my job to consider these possibilities. You pay me to think for you." Harshly phrased. "No, I don't trust anyone on your staff. Because -- unlike myself -- they salivate for your position. I'll be the first to say I've never envisioned a political career for myself." A lengthy pause followed. "What bleaker honesty can you get here?"


homomachinis October 31 2011, 07:34:11 UTC
He resisted rising to the bait. What good would it do to argue that he could think for himself? Like the petulant child kicking and screaming that it was an adult, it would hurt rather than help his case. Besides, while he knew his limits, and he knew exactly where his strengths were, it wasn't always in calculating every move. More impulse and tactical decisions performed before he'd even considered them. His brain pulling in more information than he could handle, he'd become good at tuning it out, instead of learning to listen.

"You're right about a few things, Edward. Everything will change, that's not up for debate. Influxes from other worlds, we're changing it, and I'm not sure if it's for the better, as depressing as it is to admit," born of experience. Of knowledge he didn't share. "Shit, I'll even agree that the people around here probably want the job, but do you really think any of them are going to go so far as to pull the assassination route? They know it doesn't work, not against imports." He didn't want to ( ... )


enigmaestro October 31 2011, 15:48:40 UTC
"You're missing my point, Mitchell -- it's not merely assassination you've got to beware of. And moreover -- if you are murdered again, it's likely your killer would understand our probability rates. They'd likely only need you out for a few days, a week, to enact their plans." Eddie picked up his book again, thumbing to his page. "Imports especially are going to think outside the box."

He flashed a smile, something cutting and unnerving in context.

"So, tell me: what are your backup plans? Who do you trust? What's to prevent a child from ruling in your place because you're reduced to suckling your thumb for some inane, City-wide reason?"


homomachinis October 31 2011, 16:14:19 UTC
Who did he trust indeed? He didn't think he'd trusted anyone in years, and that was being kind to the people around him. January was still his assisstant back home, but she'd worked to orchestrate his own downfall, Kremlin was dead, Dave wouldn't speak with him anymore, Candy was off furthering her career with the President, and...well. It wasn't even worth thinking further on the subject. Here, who was there? Zatanna? Bond? Edward? He kept them all at arm's length.

He knew what this was. He did. Mitchell knew what it was like to be backed in a corner, and Edward was pushing, hard. Then again, he knew what every action was. Each biting, scathing comment, actions like just a few moments ago, hinting, promising that with one question, Edward could easily ruin him. A man with the power of truth at his fingertips. Power was what all men sought, and ex-supervillains probably strove for it more than ex-superheroes ( ... )


enigmaestro November 3 2011, 23:18:44 UTC
"I am right, of course." Eddie grinned at the words, relishing them. "We both knew I would be." Leaning back on his desk now, Eddie kept a cool gaze on Mitch. He was watching for emotion, for any thought to linger of Mitch's expressive face. Anything he could use, either now or later.

Eddie was gathering his intel.

"Are you asking me?" The question was spoken softly. "Are you asking me to tell you who you trust? Because I can easily -- effortlessly -- discover. I can know the reality of those who claim loyalty to you."

He knew how tempting that would sound.


homomachinis November 4 2011, 00:53:53 UTC
His mouth was dry from all of this. He hated the position he'd been put into. He wanted to just leave, wave Edward off and go back to work, but what good would that do? It wouldn't solve any problems, that was for fucking sure. He kept his face straight, and looked at Edward. His hands folded together, index fingers rising to the bridge of his nose.

"I know you can," he focused on the closest clock. The constant, jarring noise, white noise for as long as he could distract himself, he focused on it. Let the mundane noise of a timepiece wash over him, distract him.

Edward could tell him. Edward knew just as instinctively as he could tell what every watch thought. God, it was tempting. He didn't trust anyone, but he could figure out who wouldn't betray him. Who he could trust.

"Who? I need to know."


enigmaestro November 4 2011, 02:56:37 UTC
"That's not how my power works," he drawled. Quiet, intimate. Drawing Mitch into him. "You have to state it, like fact. Then the truth becomes apparent." He leaned forward, keeping his eyes on the mayor. Watching carefully, each movement deliberate. And slowly -- cautiously -- he moved to cup a palm against Mitch's cheek.

"We can't do it here. Someone could be watching."

It would benefit Eddie, of course. Knowing who Mitch would trust -- it was impossible to divine that information without his presence. That was the beauty of his power.

He was the crucial, knowing element.


homomachinis November 4 2011, 03:20:31 UTC
He felt the corners of his lips curl down in something closer to frustration than distaste, but he pulled away from Eddie's hand, backing into the chair, away from human contact. He was right.

Wasn't he always? It was a sad fucking world when the goddamn Riddler was the one with the truth in his hands, and when despite his actions, despite the obvious manipulation, he couldn't back off. He was right.

"Fair enough. We wouldn't want anyone getting wind of who's actually trustworthy around here. Shit, you never know, it could be their lives at stake."


enigmaestro November 4 2011, 07:25:46 UTC
"Good," he said. Eddie bit back the word boy -- as tempting as it was, he was pushing the obvious manipulation for all it was worth. Too much water would break the dam, and Eddie wasn't about to drown in his own construction.

He withdrew his hand, smirking. Mitch had pulled back. Mitch had folded.

"We'll do it some place quiet. Some place you believe in."


homomachinis November 4 2011, 11:19:57 UTC
He hated feeling like he'd been manipulated. Hell, he hated knowing that was what Edward was doing. He had to bide his time, though, didn't he? Eventually he'd slip up. He had to, nobody was perfect. Right now, what harm could it even do? It was advantageous. That was the most important thing. It was an edge he could use. He kept his back to the chair, not allowing any movement forward physically. That was enough of that. The discomfort bubbling in his stomach was enough to sour whatever he'd managed to eat earlier. Like he could remember.

"I can think of a place," he mentioned, biting back some retort about religion. No need to add more fuel to the fire.


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