
Oct 18, 2011 10:33

WHO: firebent and YOU!?
WHERE: open lot / sparring grounds
WARNINGS: none? unless firebending and people getting their practice fight on is warning worthy.
SUMMARY: Zuko needs to work off some pent up aggression, feel free to join him.
FORMAT: actionspam?

fight fire with fire )

† zuko | n/a, geddoe | raijin, kyosuke kiryu | shinigami, † hellboy | n/a, † sokka | n/a, zelgadis | greywords, † alex summers | havok

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Comments 42

Early afternoon? destroyedstatue October 18 2011, 15:00:13 UTC
[Alex has, mostly, been ignoring the network. He doesn't really know how to use his comm and with everyone who recognized him right off the bat, the mutant would rather just leave it be. Still, wandering around the City isn't the best idea either, but hey no one's here to yell at him right now. He just needs to make sure to keep his powers under wraps and there won't be anything to worry about, right ( ... )


got it! firebent October 18 2011, 15:14:40 UTC
[ Letting the small flame grow, Zuko was quick to slide into a stance, lifting his palm at the same time and popping off an intentionally small blast of fire before shifting and doing the same thing with the other hand. He was trying to keep control before he got extravagant, trying to make sure he could reign himself in when he needed to.

Which was exactly when Zuko spotted Alex, and for a second he almost looked sheepish, not having expected anybody to show up while he was in the middle of practicing. Standing back upright, he gaze Alex a questioning look before recognition finally settled into his features.

Granted, the other didn't really look like he wanted to have a conversation, but they might as well acknowledge the shared space, at the very least. ]

How much room do you need?


destroyedstatue October 18 2011, 15:49:30 UTC
[Alex just shrugs at Zuko's sheepish look, not taking any real offense, considering if he got burned it'd be his own fault. The mutant moves around to just find a place to sit down, not at all taking the offer to use his powers in what Alex sees as too small of a space, even despite the fact that it's well-cleared and quite open. Instead, he finds an empty trash can to pull up and just sits down on it.]

I can't do it here.

[But he's still not moving and instead getting more comfortable just leaning forward on his knees, raising an eyebrow at Zuko.]

You're a mutant, too.


firebent October 18 2011, 20:31:26 UTC
[ Folding his arms over his chest as he watches Alex settle into his makeshift seat, Zuko almost looks offended by the term, and then stops rather quickly, instead opting to look confused. He doesn't even know what a mutant's supposed to be, so it's kind of hard to actually be offended. ]

What's that supposed to mean?


inhisrighthand October 18 2011, 15:49:38 UTC
[Now this was a familiar scene. Hellboy had noticed the light from the flame out of the corner of his eye as he walked along the sidewalk, and turned to see its source. Another pyrokinetic, bearing some resemblance to the other one he'd met a while back. He turned down the dusty path and stopped just out of range of Zuko and puffed on his cigarette silently as he watched him train. Once the cigarette was spent, he flicked it away and waited for a lull in the action.]

Those're some fancy moves, kid.


firebent October 18 2011, 16:54:30 UTC
[ Turning to locate the source of the voice, Zuko stands straight again, exhaling and dusting himself off slightly, unconscious gestures. But as soon as he spots Hellboy, it takes Zuko a second or two to take in his.. unusual appearance.

But it only takes another second to get past -- he's gotten used to seeing weird things here, and all things considered, the ATM machines still confuse Zuko more than the way the other man looked. Not to mention, Zuko knows better than to stare; is well aware of just how unpleasant it is. ]

Thank you.. ? [ He doesn't even know if he should be saying thank you for that, but it seemed appropriate. ] I didn't know anyone was watching.


inhisrighthand October 18 2011, 19:45:47 UTC
[Hellboy's used to the stares by now. It was a bit of a change from back home, but it could see why people would be a little taken aback and/or suspicious.]

Just curious, that's all. You're the third person I've met with pyrokinesis. Always thought it was pretty rare.


firebent October 18 2011, 21:13:24 UTC
[ Aaaand now Zuko's just even more confused, brow furrowing. ]



lovedthemoon October 18 2011, 15:57:39 UTC
Woahhh. Watch it there. [But he's grinning as he sidles up.] Is something wrong?


firebent October 18 2011, 19:16:08 UTC
[ Sokka where did you come from :| Zuko just gives him a sidelong glance before sighing. ] Why would something be wrong?


lovedthemoon October 21 2011, 03:25:27 UTC
I don't know, you took off without saying anything...now you're fire-bending... [He scratches the top of his own head, shrugging] What's up?


firebent October 21 2011, 04:21:31 UTC
[ It takes him a second, just because he doesn't want to have one of those deep meaningful conversations right now. Because then he'll have to talk about his feelings. ]

Did you know that people can come back from the dead, here?


trueltning_fury October 18 2011, 17:06:05 UTC
[Geddoe had been thinking about hitting that lot to practice as well, but someone beat him to it. He's just going to stand off to the side to watch for a minute, arms folded, a very obvious big black-clad leather wall over here]


firebent October 18 2011, 19:24:17 UTC
[ It takes Zuko a few long moments to recognize the feeling of being watched, too distracted to acknowledge it right away. But eventually he does, fussing absently with the swords attached to his back as he turns and faces the man that's so keen on staring at him. ]

Do you need something? [ Though he (sort of) maintains his manners, the words were spoken with more natural authority than most 16 year olds tend to have. ]


trueltning_fury October 19 2011, 00:21:55 UTC
Just waiting for my turn to use the training grounds. So to speak.

[he notes that tone, very interesting young man]

...you control fire.


firebent October 21 2011, 04:13:53 UTC
I do. [ It wasn't even a question, but he couldn't just leave it either. But he tips his head towards the rest of the lot, trying to be accommodating. ]

I don't need the whole space, I won't get in your way.


inthirds October 18 2011, 18:23:54 UTC
[it's not magic, so the only notion Zel gets of any of it is just the sound of shuffled stances against the ground. the automatic thought is intruder, but...it's not his lot. he just frequents. but man, if it's that Squall guy again...

he slows near the last building before the lot opens up and comes to a halt close enough to see just who...

he frowns. okay, maybe he's not the best at sensing magic energy (not by a long shot), but...fire from the hand? and not a notion at all? he wasn't sure if he liked that.

but this was that whiny kid. he couldn't be that threatening...]


firebent October 18 2011, 19:43:50 UTC
[ He'll show you threatening, Zel. Except, y'know, not.

Pushing another blast of fire forward with his outstretched palm, Zuko came out of another stance and sighed, scuffing at the dirt beneath his feet while he breathed evenly. Trying to think calm.

For a few more seconds he was too busy keeping himself tightly contained to notice anything else, but Zuko had gotten good at noticing when other people were starting at him. Glancing over his shoulder, he spotted Zel, instantly recognizing the other from the network. ]

Bring any chickens with you? [ l-lol he sure was a funny one, made all the better by the slight grimace he directs towards the other. ]


inthirds October 18 2011, 19:54:43 UTC
[murder. he's bringing murder.

well no, but Zuko gets a withering look for the jab. Zel leans back before stepping into forward motion, walking near the edge of the lot. he stops parallel to the other, arms folded.]

Where was the source of that fire?


firebent October 18 2011, 20:27:48 UTC
What do you mean?

[ He just looks confused for a second, watching Zel walk. Zuko just kind of feels like the answer to that should be obvious, but he'll answer anyway, the shrug obvious in the sound of his voice. ] I am.


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