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Comments 187

Cafeteria: OPEN - NOT A VILLAIN, FEEL FREE TO TERRORIZE HIM! peanutblooder September 12 2011, 18:25:32 UTC
Still enamored enough of his lunchbox that he was happy to make and bring in his lunch every day, Tavros had blithely spared himself of any poisonous influence. He hadn't even noticed the Joker until the crazy clown started yelling at the top of his lungs.

Was...was that a teacher? That was a weird thing for a teacher to be doing. What was going on?


gatewhatgate September 12 2011, 19:52:11 UTC
The Monster, by contrast, had not only eaten at the cafeteria, but he had consumed every last bite. He was filled with a craving for food, a desire for anything and everything edible. He needed food. No, more than that - he was filled with the sense that any and all food was rightfully his.

That strange kid over there had a lunchbox. Maybe he was hiding something tasty in it. That tasty thing was to be his! The Monster moved towards him, his darkness setting in and surrounding him with a pitch-black darkness with only his yellow eyes visible.



peanutblooder September 12 2011, 20:07:53 UTC
Tavros had gotten his pbj sandwich out and was just sort of sitting there nomming on it, watching the Joker with a sort of confused fascination, that was...rather quickly becoming concern. Just before he can make the decision to put the sandwich down and, maybe, go find an adult he recognized to inform about this odd behavior (and coincidentally just before the Joker started running about causing a ruckus, A NEW DISTRACTION APPEARED.

Oh wow it was really dark suddenly. Tavros was actually pretty happy about that - adjusting to a diurnal schedule was rough, and even though the sun here wasn't as horrible as the one back home, it was still awfully bright all the time.

...Funny that he couldn't see through it, though. I mean, there were eyes there, and theoretically he should be able to get a sense of the face of whoever this was, but nope.

"Hullo. That's a neat power."


gatewhatgate September 12 2011, 20:15:53 UTC
The Monster was in no state of mind to comment on the shadows at the moment, his mind was filled with thoughts of edibles and taking them.

"Give me your lunch," he said, as fierce as he could.

There was no need to say 'please'. After all, the food was his to take.


going after Joker; hallways; open! meowminx September 12 2011, 18:33:31 UTC
[ Of course the clown had to flip out and attack a school after Bruce was Ported out.

Selina's at the Institute before she even has time to register that wearing her costume during the day still feels weird. She phases right through security, hoping there are still enough people at the school who know who Catwoman is. It would be bad if one of them killed her before she even found the Joker. ]


he_is_wild September 12 2011, 19:25:24 UTC
[Joker is crouched in a hallway, palm flat to the floor. He is perfectly still, all senses on the alert. In many ways he resembles a predator waiting in ambush.]


meowminx September 12 2011, 19:27:21 UTC
[ Okay. That's creepy. Moreso than usual, even. She frees her whip from her belt. ]


[ No point in hiding. ]


he_is_wild September 12 2011, 20:23:56 UTC
[Joker lifts his gaze and meets Selina's eyes. With a snarl he surges into motion and charges down the hall towards her, emitting a hyena-like cackle.]


LOCKED TO GAMZEE; before joker gets the shard bluepurrymuffin September 12 2011, 18:52:39 UTC
[As soon as he'd heard of the commotion coming from the students who'd been at lunch, Hank ordered the cafeteria be shut down immediately and the food to stop being served. He put out a few calls to work toward containing the matter, but fought his first instinct to join in. He had his own important role to keep to.

Now he's in the lab below, analyzing a few samples from today's menu and trying to identify what the caused this. Already he's recognizing chemicals that should by no means be present in food given students, and making notes laying the groundwork for a counteragent.]


hasgonehonkers September 13 2011, 00:54:11 UTC
[Hank is alone, distracted, and without immediate aid. It's just the opportunity Gamzee's been waiting for.

In a second he flash steps behind him, a heavy lance in hand. With little effort he moves to pierce through the strong muscle and skeleton surrounding this large man's heart.

Gamzee gives Hank a small honk in place of the fight he deserves.]


bluepurrymuffin September 13 2011, 15:21:27 UTC
[Hank's ears perk up at the sound of another presence in the room, but before he can respond...] Oh my stars and g--urk! [He's suddenly looking at the tip of a lance. directly through his torso. He drops his notepad there on the table as his pen clatters on the ground.

He wheels about and does his best to throw a fist at his surprisingly small attacker, but even with his strength, it's a last-ditch effort and likely a desperately inadequate one. He has nothing to offer by way of followup. His eyes flash with recognition of his attacker as he collapses onto the ground, face-first.

He wouldn't be getting up, the dark blood polling around him made that clear.]


hasgonehonkers September 14 2011, 23:38:34 UTC
[Gamzee's hit by that last blow. He's moved back a few feet, but he manages to catch himself and beyond that the attack doesn't do much to him anyway. Without Gamzee being able to really register pain it's hard to get him to be much affected by anything like that.

As the blood pools out an inch further Gamzee steps into the dark red with a grin.]

Heh. Bet you didn't get your remember on at my ownself at awhile. Or my own motherfuckin' self.

Hope you get that shit on all up at later, bro.

[Then he kneels down, shifts everything he needs to, and curls his fingers into some fur. The work he's going to do to remove a patch of Hank's skin is messy.]


Open; Infected villainy ex_julianhe September 13 2011, 00:20:40 UTC
[ Julian is not so much feeling like himself. He knows there's some kind of crazy going on around the school, and he should probably be doing something to stop that. But for some reason, he's just not feeling it today. His head is kinda fuzzy, and he feels irritable. Like, more irritable than usual. His powers keep lashing out at the slightest opportunity, forcing locker doors closed so hard that they bend inwards, throwing doors open in front of him, and at several points even throwing people directly out of his way while he goes between classes.


rock_it_punch September 13 2011, 05:48:19 UTC
[Santo manages to not notice this behavior all day until he finally gets caught up in it, getting knocked back hard against a locker, busting the poor metal box entirely.]

Dude, what the Hell?


ex_julianhe September 13 2011, 18:35:32 UTC
[ He should probably be sorry about that. It just makes him more annoyed, though. His eyes are all flashing with green energy that he doesn’t seem worried about holding back. ]

Stay out of my way, Santo. God this place is boring, why the hell are we even here? I’m so gone.


rock_it_punch September 13 2011, 19:03:40 UTC
[This is wrong. Julian was...well, always kind of angry, but this was pushing it. Time to try and approach his buddy from a friendship angle to figure out exactly what was up.]

Well, uh. Here, I'll come with you and we can talk about whatever's pissing you off. That sound cool? [He stands back up and offers Julian his hand.]


LOCKED TO GAMZEE AT FIRST, OPENS UP LATER bigreveal September 13 2011, 01:46:51 UTC
[Hank was dead.]

[She knew this, because she had checked his pulse. Twice. Her fingers tensed up, getting hard, anger, hate, surging right through them.]

[But she had to stay focused. There was no time for emotions, right now. Not sad ones, at least. Those could be had later, at the appropriate time and place. Alone.

[Right now, she had to focus on keeping this place safe, and shutting down all the intruders. And that also meant finding - and dealing with - Hank's killer.]

[Some of his fur was missing. They couldn't have gone far.]

[Deep breath. Follow the blood, Amanda. You can go cry over Hank later.]


hasgonehonkers September 13 2011, 02:41:04 UTC
[The sticky trail of blood did indeed not go far. There were just a few skips in the trail before it ended in a corridor that joined another in a t.

Standing there, covered in a furry blue cloak still dripping red, was Gamzee painting the walls red. The wide eyes of the smiley face were just at the right level for staring right back into most people's own eyes.]


bigreveal September 13 2011, 02:43:58 UTC
[Oh, this little shit. The 13 year old alien Joker knockoff.

Another breath. Kid gloves are going off. Not going to treat him lighter just because he's an adolescent.]

Gamzee Makara. [Says her steady, even voice, unwavering. Not letting the slightest bit of emotion crack through as she walks forward.]


hasgonehonkers September 13 2011, 02:53:29 UTC
[He stops mid-finger stroke through the mouth. Turning toward her he keeps his smile up and remains calm as can be.]

Hello sister. Like my ownself's wicked picture?

[His voices lilts.]


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