Backdated log: There are few, if any, jobs in which ability alone is sufficient.

Sep 08, 2011 02:11

WHERE: A small, private conference room at Magic*Con
WHEN: Saturday, September third
WARNINGS: Lots of wizards in an enclosed space. One of them is Snape.
SUMMARY: The HP cast attempts to fill in Rowling plotholes, Or: it's like Hermione's purse has Dark Wizard herpes.
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ginny weasley | n/a, † sirius black | padfoot, nymphadora tonks | badger, james potter | prongs, severus snape | the potion master

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Comments 30

tag to sirius, open bestunrevealed September 8 2011, 06:19:19 UTC
Having not bothered to change out of his suit-- Snape arrives fairly quickly, once everything is arranged.

"Black," is all he says. It's a greeting. Simple. Concise. No rancor. Just business. How long it will stay that way, nobody can bloody well tell. But it's there, for now.

"Draco and Bellatrix will, obviously, be busy this evening," he says, as pours himself water, because he had his one whiskey with Sally and Andromeda earlier in the day, and hes got limits. Rules. Without them, he may be lost, so he holds tight to them now.


Re: tag to sirius, open purmoncul September 10 2011, 08:05:26 UTC
Sirius just nods. He watches Snape, actively and rather obviously chewing on response options before settling on something neutral. The neutral elephant in the room.

"...Nice suit."

The compliment sounds sincere enough - and why not? It is actually a nice suit.


bestunrevealed September 10 2011, 17:55:31 UTC
"It's serving it's purpose," says Snape. "Which is to say that it is a nice suit, but I certainly did not pick it." Let's be honest here: It doesn't have nearly enough buttons for Snape's taste.

He pauses, and adds, "There's been a complication. But one in our favor. The Porter has -- done something to the object. Miss Granger allowed me a moment to examine the thing and -- something about it is wrong. But it may simply be quiescent."


purmoncul September 12 2011, 05:20:51 UTC
Sirius closes his eyes, leans back, and swallows deeply from his flask. His tone is conversational, with an edge of...philosophical hysteria underneath it, to the true connoseur of the minds of men. Sirius has a lot of emotions.

"...Snape, if this is not going to devolve into the two of us sniping at each other until we've wrecked Zatanna's convention trying to get at each other's throats, I'm going to need you to stop handing me set ups like that. Moving on. A thing with a bit of evil wizard soul in it can be quiescent?"


thelionharted September 8 2011, 23:23:28 UTC
James is probably lurking somewhere nearby, attempting to resist the temptation to steal a few swigs of whiskey this early. Stuck in a conference room with Snape is high on the list of places he would rather not be this month. (Or ever, really.) But. Business must be taken care of, so he'll put his big-boy trousers on and deal with it.


purmoncul September 10 2011, 08:21:53 UTC
Sirius sticks his head out of the door, taking advantage of the wards to keep the fangirl's attention away, and peers around for James. He steps out when he spots his friend, and walks over.

James has his I Am Not Going To Drink Due To Noble Sacrifice look on, so Sirius offers him a cigarette instead.

That they are not supposed to smoke in here doesn't seem to concern him. They'd long ago sorted out a charm to contain and banish cigarette smoke so that some between-class relaxation could be enjoyed in various quiet corners without fear of discovery and detention.

"He's in there."

No need to explain who 'he' is, of course.


Open andromynous September 10 2011, 05:40:39 UTC
Andromeda had been given a heads up of sorts on this meeting being held, but she still was not 100% sure why. She'd offered up the Tonks household as a stopover home for the Order during the second war, but she hadn't had much involvement past that.

Presently she was seated at the edge of the room with a cup of tea, waiting for the rest of the group to convene.


purmoncul September 10 2011, 08:29:33 UTC
Sirius, meanwhile, seemed absolutely delighted to have her. He took it as proof that she was on his side, and not Bellatrix's, or...Switzerland's. She was willing to show up and fight the good fight, which made him feel validated in his decision to do the same.

Not that he needed validation for that, per se, but his family had been such a dark void for so long, that it really did mean a lot to him that he wasn't the only Black in the room. That she looked a bit out of her element wasn't lost on him, however. Sitting down with his own cup of tea, he seemed to have left an unusually large gap for milk. He had not brought any milk over with him. Ah, this was because he was going to fill that gap with something from the flask he had in his coat pocket. Well.

Sirius didn't say a word, but he leaned toward her in his seat and cleared his throat just a little. There was more whiskey in there, he conveyed with a glance and a raised eyebrow.


andromynous September 11 2011, 04:59:17 UTC
She eyed the flask for a moment before pushing her teacup over to him. If she was going to have to sit through Severus on one side and the others ... well, on the same side they'd always been on, she was going to need a little bit of a drink.

"I'm surprised to see you all in the same room together with Severus," she said mildly, shooting a glance over to Snape to make sure nothing had spontaneously erupted in the past few minutes, "but I'm glad...for both sides." Perhaps the talk she'd had with Severus had stuck, after all.


purmoncul September 12 2011, 05:29:23 UTC
He tops her off without a word, and tucks the flask away. No Black was foolish enough to wade into the fray unarmored, and there wasn't one of them who wouldn't recognize this table as a battlefield. They'd grown up at such tables, after all. Hell, the only way he'd gotten through Bellatrix's wedding in one piece was by getting drunk as...well, as a little lord, callow youth that he'd been, which he pointed out was only appropriate when his mother started making faces. His father, seeing it as a rite of passage, had actually come to his defense, and the whole thing had been more or less alright.

"It's James I'm worried about, actually. Back when he comes from, we all think Snape's a Death Eater, and we're not wrong. We're still not wrong, please and thank you, but if what Harry and Remus tell me is true really is true, it's worth at least listening to what he has to say."


open fliesacomet260 September 11 2011, 04:15:03 UTC
Tonks makes her way into conference room looking a little unlike herself. Her hair is blond. Her nose is longer and more slender. Her lips are thinner. Mostly everything else about her is the same. It's just enough to let her get by. Some of the con attendees have been a little on the mental side of things, at least some of their questions have.

Once she's inside the conference room, Tonks fixes herself a cup of lemonade. She knocks over a few of the cups at the table as she reaches for a biscuit.

Well, bugger.


fyeahcannons September 15 2011, 09:57:02 UTC
Ron, who'd entered just after Tonks looking serious and bothered, automatically moved to help pick up the tipped cups. He didn't think about it, of course, but he was glad for the mundane distraction. A meeting about a Horcrux in Hermione's beaded bag... It was something he'd been done with gladly a long time ago. Aside, being around a whole crowd of the dead and the overly-young... It was more overwhelming than being with any one person at a time.

"Careful, yeah? All the dire situation needs, really, spilled drinks."


fliesacomet260 September 16 2011, 00:30:53 UTC
Tonks is starting to put the cups right again. She shoots a smile at Ron. "It's not my fault they were perilously perched too close to the biscuits." It's only a small exaggeration and today is also opposite day.


ginnydor September 13 2011, 19:05:37 UTC
Ginny isn't entirely sure what this is all about. All she knows is that it's some kind of emergency, and it was very important for everyone to meet and talk about it as soon as possible. It's the first time she's been here that anything remotely bad has been hinted at, even though she's heard about awful things happening in the City before. Perhaps she'd been falling into a false sense of security. She just hopes that whatever is going on, it's something they can deal with quickly.

She's standing by a wall, arms folded, jaw set, and looking serious.


it is shockingly hard to find an animated icon of that wink scene! purmoncul September 14 2011, 21:50:37 UTC
Sirius nods at her, taps the seat next to him, and winks.

"Plenty of room at the table for all of us."

No need to hover at the edges, Ginny. In Sirius's opinion, your voice is equal to anyone's.


lol I was totally picturing it because you said that ginnydor September 17 2011, 00:12:46 UTC
Ginny looks up, startled, but smiles at him. She’s used to not being included, but then that had been her mother’s fault. Sirius had always seemed more willing to share. She comes to sit in the chair he’d pointed out and looks up at him.

“Thank you.” She looks uncertain. “I don’t mean to hover. I’m just not sure what’s happening exactly. I’m sure something must have, or we wouldn’t have been called together like this.”


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