WHO: seeingeyespit and ohnoyousquidnt WHERE: the MAC WHEN: oh goodness like...tonight i guess WARNINGS: Tereziiiii SUMMARY: girls talkin' FORMAT: more words than any one man can handle
Feferi sat at the kitchen table with a glass of lemonade, concentrating on the contents a small gridded sketchbook. When this design was finished, it was going to be so EXCITING to build!
The knock at the door stirred her from further progression into a blueprinting frenzy.
Comments 8
The knock at the door stirred her from further progression into a blueprinting frenzy.
"Who is it?"
The laugh was probably enough to identify her, but Terezi went on anyway. "It's Terezi! Hi!"
"You're settling in fine, right? glubglubglub"
And a good strong sniff later: "You smell different too. Did everybody get hit with the human stick or what?"
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