Blackbird Singing in the Dead of Night [ OPEN ]

Jun 08, 2011 13:51

WHO: just_daine and Costumed Folks
WHERE: All over!
WHEN: All day and night
WARNINGS: Possible violence?
FORMAT: Starting as prose, but switching to action is acceptable

Fly into the light of a dark, black night )

† veralidaine sarrasri | wildmage, damian wayne | robin, khisanth | onyx, feferi peixes | witch of life

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Comments 69

ONE DAY I HATE PICKING A DAY....... nighttime. fantasycliche June 8 2011, 18:05:33 UTC
[ She's always at her laziest when she's just eaten. And Khisanth has most definitely just eaten. She suspects that the couple she'd picked had been a... what are they called here, "hookers"? Yes, that. A hooker and her customer. It had been a very nice car that she'd plucked the two of them out of, aided not a little by the fact that it'd been missing a roof. What a silly design to give a car. It's like these people had no reason at all to fear attacks from above.

Well, it was their loss and Khisanth's gain. She's currently looped lazily about the edge of one of the run down buildings in this sector of town, lazily eying the abandoned car. She could claim it for herself. She'd heard the keys jingling in the man's pocket as she'd plucked all that tasteless processed cotton from his body.

Mmm, but not yet. She's got a full stomach and a sleepy disposition. She'll think about the spoils of the victory... later. ]


THERE DOESN'T NEED TO BE A DAY IT'S ALRIGHT just_daine June 8 2011, 18:15:24 UTC
[ Daine's immediately distracted by the sight of a dragon in the city. Surely it hadn't been brought here by force... maybe this was her ticket home! Certainly the immortal would be concerned about the young Kitten left home and the promise Daine had made the baby dragon's mother. She didn't need her clothes, not if she was going home! It would be so easy for a dragon to take a relatively small barn owl with it through the Divine Realm and back to her world.

She struggled in her excitement to find a perch appropriately within the dragon's range of view, but when she did she wasted no time. ]

< Excuse me? Hello! >

[ooc | < Words in brackets are in the language of animals, but also psychic. > ]


fantasycliche June 8 2011, 18:33:41 UTC
[ Her eyes snap open at the sound of a voice-- both in her head and in her ears. It takes bright orange eyes a second or two to locate the source, but they narrow suspiciously when they do. It's either a very foolish owl, or... well. It could be an Import, as she hasn't seen any natural sentient animals yet.

A very foolish Import, then. She lifts her head from her front feet, makes a show of a lazy, toothy yawn, and peers at the creature. ]

Your timing is good. Anyone that approaches me before dinner doesn't tend to survive.


just_daine June 8 2011, 18:41:05 UTC
[ Daine puffed up her feathers instinctively, her excitement tempered by fear. But now wasn't a time to be afraid, now was a time to be confident and bold. ]

< I'm sorry to interrupt your rest, but I was wondering if you might be able to help me find my way home. You see, I made a promise to another dragon before she died that I would take care of her baby, and now little Kitten is all alone, and I know it's terribly selfish of me when I'm sure you have a dozen other things to worry about but there it is. >

[ If owls could blush, she would be bright red. ]


late night...around midnight? xuffasch June 8 2011, 18:26:49 UTC
Damian was, if nothing else, a creature of habit. He liked routine, so even after arriving in a new city a few months ago he had been quick to establish a pattern. And so, on nights when he patrolled on his own, he often found himself on a low-roofed building overlooking the city’s largest museum. That was where he was tonight, crouched over the edge, eyes trained on the main alleyways and entrances around it. It was pretty stupid, he surmised, for criminals to keep targeting a location that was constantly protected. But it mattered little to him; it gave him more of an opportunity for human punching-bags.


just_daine June 8 2011, 18:36:59 UTC
The barn owl simply watched, perched as she was on the roof of a nearby building. The boy was just sitting there, but he was wearing a mask and even a cloak, as though he were going to some strange party. And since when did humans wander around on rooftops anyway? It was hard to resist getting closer, but her owl instincts warned her away from the potential threat to her food source.


xuffasch June 8 2011, 18:46:02 UTC
Damian doesn't tend to notice wildlife unless it's doing something out of the ordinary, so he continues his stakeout without much deviation. It's only when he notices a scuffle occurring on the street below that he makes a move. His jaw clenches, and he's on his feet and shooting out a jump line within a matter of moments, swooping down in between a ring of muggers and their intended victims.


just_daine June 8 2011, 18:51:39 UTC
She nearly jumped out of her skin when he leapt off the roof like that, and quickly darted after him. He was fast for a creature that wasn't made to fly through the air. And what was he doing jumping into the middle of a fight like that? Wasn't that what the Provost's Guard - or rather, the police, she corrected herself - were for?

She found a new perch on a nearby lamp post, but if he was planning on jumping around all night perhaps she would have been better off as a nighthawk.


Late Afternoon ohnoyousquidnt June 9 2011, 13:24:48 UTC
[Feferi can be wandering around Chinatown, peering anxiously at a few turtles in a case that looked like they were clawing to get out. It seems prodding at them thoughtfully with her culling fork wasn't very comforting-- to the turtles, or to the annoyed restaurant owners that stocked them.]

Hmm, there's got to be a better way...


just_daine June 10 2011, 15:13:08 UTC
[ Daine the sparrow stops on a nearby streetlamp to get a better look at the grey-skinned girl with horns and... were those gills? Maybe she was some sort of animal... ]

< Why are they keeping those turtles in that small glass box? >

[ooc | < We speak the tongue of the animals~ > ]


ohnoyousquidnt June 11 2011, 01:02:23 UTC
[ooc: Fef can only understand aquatic animals. She also looks human at the moment . ]


just_daine June 11 2011, 01:32:46 UTC
[ When she doesn't get a response, Daine tries the turtles, who inform her that they have no clue why they're in a glass box and they would really rather like to leave. She assures them that she'll come back for them soon and they stop pawing at the case.

In the mean time, she also learns that there are a lot of strange human-like things that come to poke at their cage, and they don't see what makes the horned-fish-human so special.

Daine determines to follow her. ]


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