
Mar 03, 2011 03:00

WHO: John Zatara and Open!
WHERE: Broadway Theater
WHEN: This evening, Sunday night
WARNINGS: None so far!
SUMMARY: John's put on yet another performance, and when it's over, is available to be seen.
FORMAT: Para for me, and whatever for those others

Magic always changes things... )

luna lovegood | loony, vic sage | the question, † james rogers | n/a, † bruce wayne | batman, zatanna zatara | zatanna, gemma doyle | n/a, vector prime | n/a, billy batson | captain marvel, † john zatara | zatara

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Comments 131

nottheanswers March 3 2011, 18:15:24 UTC
Vic had gone through a lot of stress over this new case, and decided a break is what he needed. Zatara'd told him about the show over a month ago, and he felt a little guilty taking so long getting too it, but it's not like he hadn't been busy. He figured he might as well make up for it by greeting the man himself. It'd been a great show, no harm in saying so.

He shook the other man's hand as he approached. "Good show, don't think I've seen anything quite like it before."


arataznhoj March 3 2011, 22:16:58 UTC
John smiled, and shook the other man's hand with verve. "Why, thank you! I'm always glad when someone truly enjoys themselves. It's why I do it, after all."

He glanced around, and back to the man. "There's always been something about being able to use just hands and mind to enspell a crowd, without any powers or magic added, that has been a thrill to me. It almost puts the real thing to shame."


nottheanswers March 3 2011, 22:59:12 UTC
That seemed a bit curious to Vic. "Never use the real stuff for your shows then? Not even to go out with a band?"


arataznhoj March 3 2011, 23:29:48 UTC
John shook his head. "Only if something unfortunate happens. Not for performance. it's a matter of pride. Most of the time, except for those who can sense such or who have experience in it, no one can tell."

His eyes glittered with amusement.

"Perhaps on a special occasion, to do something fantastic."


/why not spacetimeprime March 3 2011, 18:17:16 UTC
[well, that was rather charming. magic - aside from parlour tricks - is somewhat taboo by Cybertronian standards, but to say Vector's out of the loop would be an understatement. all he knows is that this is apparently human entertainment. and when human...

having nothing ultimately pressing, and welcoming further distraction with certain events lingering on his processor mind, the jet-turned-man watches the crowd with some curiousity of his own. and as ever, he doesn't pay much attention to those eyeing him back. red eyes are enough to catch attention, but add that to a habit of dressing as though he's from the victorian age...]


No reason! arataznhoj March 3 2011, 22:19:25 UTC
To John, that dress immediately calls him out as an Import, but also as one of those he might have associated with back home. All the most odd magic types back home wore some sort of antiquated dress, or had some odd thing about their look. It was sort of a calling card which stood out, even among the gaudily clad mystery men and superheroes.

So it is only natural that he would approach the man dressed and looking so with a smile, and an extended hand. "Greetings, friend. I hope you did enjoy the show!"


indeed! also /matches format spacetimeprime March 3 2011, 22:24:57 UTC
Vector looks over with mild surprise, not expecting such. In all honesty, he hadn't known what to expect afterwards...but that's part of the curiosity of being human, he's noticed. It's fun, in a way.

He offers his own hand to take the other's, bowing his head with a smile. "Indeed, it was quite the show. I've never seen anything like it before."


Whatever you are comfortable with! arataznhoj March 3 2011, 22:32:24 UTC
A shake of the hand, and what do you do with a bow? You return it, of course! And so he does, smiling.

"Thank you! there are several other performers in the city, some far more skilled than I. I am glad you enjoyed the show. It's what I like to hear."


sorcerously March 3 2011, 18:53:42 UTC
[Gemma had enjoyed the performance, she really had. It had been a while since she had attended any such entertainment, and the break was nice. It was flattering to have him invite her to stay after the show, though she was a little stung that she wouldn't be able to take him up on that drink. Why, she was nearly nineteen; that was more than old enough to have some spirits in her time (though, perhaps not completely acceptable). With her coat slung over her arm, she slowly made her way to where she saw John shaking hands with the other attendees, smiling as she approached.]


arataznhoj March 3 2011, 22:22:36 UTC
His smile bloomed wider as he saw her, and he turned to her with both hands extended. "Gemma! You made it! Good! I hope you found the show worth the trip?"

He was glad to see her, as she seemed, among many here, to share many of his own thoughts and similar ideas, from cooking to magic. It was rather nice to see someone you could talk to, and be around, without feeling self-conscious.

Even if some of his older friends would have looked him askance for being friends with a lady so very much younger than himself.


sorcerously March 3 2011, 22:39:41 UTC
The question of age had never occurred to Gemma much; there hadn't been many children her own age in India while she was growing up, and the girls at Spence hadn't been even close to a good change. Granted, the people who had lied to her the most in life were adults, but she tended to overlook that fact in special cases. John was a special case.

"It was more than worth it," she said lightly. "Very impressive. I'm glad I came."


arataznhoj March 3 2011, 22:47:54 UTC
"Good, and thank you. Pleasing my audience is always the goal, and some audiences are more in my mind to please than others." He smiled to her, warmth in his eyes and stance. He liked her, and thought she was a very good sort.

"Come, whether laws permit alcohol or not, they cannot permit two people from a good strong tea, together." He gestured toward the bar, unwilling to give up her company jus6t because she could have no drinks.


carrytheshield March 3 2011, 21:41:07 UTC
Magic was a strange thing James had only heard about in stories growing up, usually at the hands of some evil sorcerer fighting against the Avengers. Tony had never seemed to like magic, but James didn't get that. Seeing actual magic from this close and not used for evil was awesome.

He wished Pym and the others could be here to see this, but they weren't, and he hadn't brought anyone with him. James waited around after the show, quietly watching the rest of the crowd that had stuck around.


arataznhoj March 3 2011, 22:25:03 UTC
"James! Good to see you!" Seeing the young man who'd come before, and who seemed to genuinely like the shows made John smile. It was so rare that people just let themselves feel and experience the magic of a stage performance without doubts.

In a way, John wished James knew a little magic himself. Belief and will like that would have made him a force for good that would have staggered those dark forces that existed.

Nonetheless, he was glad to see him, and he approached him with a smile.


carrytheshield March 4 2011, 00:01:53 UTC
James turned and smiled. He thought the shows were great, and probably fun for John, too. He seemed happy after them. Having a job he enjoyed had to be great.

"Hey. Good to see you too. Great show," James said, still smiling. The magic shows were a lot more fun than movies or anything else James had seen so far.

"Where did you learn how to do that?"


arataznhoj March 4 2011, 00:44:58 UTC
He extended a hand to shake James'. He enjoyed seeing the young man and his enjoyment.

"Thank you. Nice to have an appreciative audience." He grinned at the question.

"From books, and my grandfather, and from watching other magicians work."


crusaderinacape March 3 2011, 21:54:17 UTC
[It has been a long time since Bruce has seen one of John's shows, for obvious reasons, and it's a welcome change for him to sit through one without being called to the stage by the magician. Zatanna enjoys showing him off too much.

He'd hoped the invitation extended to the import crowd would help him keep a low profile but he inevitably draws a small crowd once the show has finished. He takes it like a man, of course, shaking hands and charming his way though, always with one eye on the crowd for an old family friend.]


arataznhoj March 3 2011, 22:28:05 UTC
John, however has no patience for such niceties, and cuts through the group surrounding Bruce like a well dressed shark, pardoning himself with a smile.

"Bruce! It's good to see you. Come, I've got a bottle of a very old vintage, one that isn't even sure it's still alcohol, waiting. While I would hate to pluck you form your friends here, I am afraid I must."

It is with the skill of a man who has dealt with politics and people for nearly a century, that he extracts Bruce, and with a grin, that he begs the pardon of those who were speaking with him.


crusaderinacape March 3 2011, 23:34:07 UTC
Bruce just about manages to make his own excuses before Zatara all but drags him away from the cluster of people. He smirks slightly at the deft verbal maneuverings of the magician.

"That's alright, John. I had come to see you, after all." He follows Zatara's step, hands slung into his pockets. "Quite a show tonight."


arataznhoj March 3 2011, 23:39:33 UTC
"Thank you. It was nice, performing for people I care about. It's been a long time since I had a crowd so interesting." He favored Bruce with a welcoming smile. "How are things for you here?"

A subtle wiggle of his fingers, and they were surrounded by a wall of disinformation. Their movements, lips, and voices would not show as speaking what they were speaking while the spell lasted.


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