the confrontation you've all been waiting for D:

Feb 15, 2011 18:58

WHO: bluepurrymuffin and thing4telepaths
WHERE: Scott's office at the Xavier Institute
WHEN: Tuesday afternoon, after the last class is out
WARNINGS: oh my god i don't even know where to start, but hugs are not likely. this could get ugly, folks
SUMMARY: It's time these two had a long talk about things

This had been a long time coming. It had been over a month since Scott resumed his position at the Institute, and a week since Hank had returned. During that time, the tension had been tangible in the air, he could see that everyone was waiting for the other shoe to drop. And since the chaos Joker and Keith Anyan had each started throughout the City had passed and Hank had put Valentines behind him, what better time than now?

Any other time. Never, he thought to himself. But no, it had to happen sometime, especially because Scott had asked to see him. So better that it was when Hank initiated and could prepare as best he could than to be caught off guard about it.

He approached the door cautiously, but his hand stopped before it hit the knob. It just wouldn't stop shaking. And then his heart was in his throat and the hall wouldn't stop spinning and it was all he could do just to catch his breath, he franticly checked that the halls was empty and found himself thanking any deity who would listen that Scott's door didn't have a window. He backed himself up against the opposite wall and just...held himself there for a moment.

You can do this. You have to do this. He couldn't fully believe it, but he knew it had to be done. He couldn't let this be about his own weakness alone, there were others at stake, and he wasn't the only person who'd suffered. If nothing else could get him through this, than he had to remember that.

He set his jaw and stood as tall as he could. Straightening his tie, he slowly crossed the hall again and paused. It was just opening a door, it was the simplest thing in the world. Just a quick movement of his hand and he'd be in the room. That's all it took, just to do it.

He gritted his teeth and opened the door.

As he strode in, he found he was already glaring. He kept his hands clasped behind his back (they wouldn't stop shaking why won't they stop shaking) and stopped about two feet from the desk. He raised an eyebrow as the words found their own way out.

"Well, I suppose it's time, isn't it?"

† scott summers | cyclops, hank mccoy | beast

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