when the worries finally stop

Feb 08, 2011 17:17

WHO: Ruka and YOU, maybe
WHERE: Everywhere
WHEN: All day today! 2/8
WARNINGS: unnatural hair colors
WHAT: Life is stressful, so Ruka takes a walk.
WORDS: yes

let's think a bit and start walking )

† sirius black | padfoot, † remus lupin | moony, † darkrai | n/a, ruka | gallitrap, james potter | prongs, calvin | stupendous man, *in progress, *open

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Comments 60

nightmarecause February 9 2011, 01:49:06 UTC
Darkrai didn't know what had happened, and he wasn't about to stop and ask about it. All he knew was that he had been turned back to how he was supposed to be sometime during the day, no longer trapped in a form that wasn't his, no longer bound to move around at such a slow pace in a body that was way too easy to injure and that ached whenever it was harmed in any way, ranging from just being a dull sort of ache to a throbbing pain that continued hurting for days ( ... )


gallitrap February 9 2011, 02:22:40 UTC
There were a great many paths and memories wound up in tall trees and cold climates, and Ruka didn't pay much attention to where she walked as she walked off worn and icy paths. She liked it when there weren't too many people around; overhearing loud and cheerful conversations wasn't part of her agenda today.

It wasn't until there wasn't another human in sight that Ruka came across something entirely unexpected. The creature was dark - much darker than the daytime shadows it rested in, for sure - and strangely put-together, quite unlike any Ruka had ever seen before. She couldn't even say, 'oh, it looks like a cross between this mammal and that reptile.'

As such, it was probably either a monster or an alien of some kind-and by that token, she supposed, either someone pulled in by the Porter, or maybe some residual creation from the madness of the whole world going hectic a few weeks ago. Either way, Ruka had already come to a stop, so talking wouldn't hurt. ... Probably.

"... Hello?" she called, tone more honestly inquisitive than


nightmarecause February 9 2011, 02:46:58 UTC
Darkrai's senses were good- Good enough to know that the one approaching wasn't a threat to him. People or Pokémon who had wished to harm him before had usually been very loud in announcing their presence, not to mention had a completely different way of approaching him for the most part. They certainly didn't try talking to him, that was for sure, so he could be sure that this child wished him no harm. She didn't seem like she did at least, and didn't seem to fear him, most likely only because she had no idea what he was- People most didn't seem to, around here ( ... )


gallitrap February 9 2011, 03:29:05 UTC
She was about as threatening as a sapling; her hands were folded behind her back, leaving her thin torso with only as much shielding as a winter coat provided. The hue of her hair only made the imagery more pronounced, green pigtails swaying in a breeze like young fronds.

There were no voices for a long few moments, aside from those very distant calls of an ever-present city life. Just the wind in the trees and against her clothing. Ruka didn't say anything for a long moment, watching the creature in return. She was sure that it had heard her, from the way it watched her, but she wasn't entirely sure if it had understood her - or, if it had, if it could respond. Or, if it were capable of both, if it even wanted to. She was intruding, after all. Ruka waited another moment before continuing.

"I didn't mean to bother you, if you'd rather be left alone," she added. "I can go now if you'd like."


Evening purmoncul February 9 2011, 02:22:07 UTC
Now that he'd surfaced from a healthy dose of burying himself in a project in lieu of talking about his own issues, Sirius had climbed onto Miranda and headed back to Moonybase, while James went to see his wife. He'd always liked flying, seeing the world laid out like a map of possibilities below him. There is one impossibility, however, and that is missing Ruka's hair in the fading light.

There's a familiar rumble from the heavens to herald Sirius's descent.

"Hello there!"


gallitrap February 9 2011, 02:25:49 UTC
It was more the rumble descending that catches her attention than the words, and Ruka spun on her heel to look up with a start. It took her a couple blinks against the darkening sky to realize just what she was looking at.

She knew Sirius had a flying motorcycle, and had seen the bike a few times before, but it was much different to see it from below. For the moment, she managed a smile. "Sirius!"


purmoncul February 9 2011, 02:50:47 UTC
He touched down effortlessly on the road next to her, and this close it's easy to see that he's still grimy, but he seems happy enough.

"Too right! Where you headed, love? I'll give you a lift."


gallitrap February 9 2011, 03:32:14 UTC
A positive sign, in days like this. A little less shocked-looking now that she wasn't craning her neck to see him, Ruka shook her head a little at the offer.

"Nowhere specific," she said, implying a shrug without moving her shoulders. "I'm just walking around, really. But where have you been? You look..." Filthy was probably too strong a word.


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gallitrap February 9 2011, 03:55:30 UTC
With Ruka, it was less of a matter of if she'd skip school than a when; even for as long as she'd been attending, she still wasn't quite ready to embrace the concept of mandatory attendance, or of not being able to stay home, or go somewhere else on a day simply because school was at the same time.

At any rate, she returned the inquiry with a short shake of her head and a shorter smile. "No, not yet. Any recommendations?"


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gallitrap February 10 2011, 03:05:56 UTC
Ruka blinked once or twice in surprise, returning Remus's question with a Look. Even her role in her home world aside, "I think Regulus would be offended that you have to ask," she replied, mostly joking.


thelionharted February 9 2011, 04:07:48 UTC
Working on something had always helped to calm James' nerves, much like it did with Sirius. After being shut up in the workshop (by choice) for nearly the entire weekend, he was on his way to see his wife. He couldn't help noticing that hair a ways in front of him, though, and jogged a bit until he caught up with Ruka.

"Hallo, you!"


gallitrap February 9 2011, 04:41:19 UTC
A little surprised at the call, Ruka tossed a glance over her shoulder at the approaching man. It was Sirius' and Remus' friend, James - who, like Sirius, had jumped from being only a few years older than Ruka to adulthood in only a few days. She managed to smile in greeting, but like always, it was hard to differentiate from an honest one.

"James," the girl answered in greeting, bowing her head. "How have you been?"


thelionharted February 9 2011, 05:59:40 UTC
"Oh, you know." James shrugged and grinned. "Working on things. Trying to figure out something to do now that I have to get an actual job and things, y'know." He stuck his hands in his pockets.

"What about you, then?"


gallitrap February 9 2011, 06:33:27 UTC
"Not too much." It was an easy answer, and mostly true. "Waiting for spring, mostly. Everything else is pretty much the same as always."

It was a strange answer, if these past weeks and months were taken into account, but Ruka pressed on, hoping not to give James time to comment about it. "What sort of job did you have, back in your world?"


/cannot pass up the chance for them to have a serious/sad conversation more_surreal February 9 2011, 23:23:03 UTC
He was afraid to go out, but he couldn't stay in, not anymore. Everything in his new home reminded him of Angelica, especially the way it was tearing Pietro apart. Calvin didn't know what to say or do for him, and felt bad considering how hard Pietro was trying to help him. Hobbes might have made things better, but Hobbes wasn't here.

So Calvin had gone flying, bundled up against the wind, high above the City where he was pretty sure that nothing could hurt him. From up here everyone on the street looked like a little dot. It bothered him to think that any of them could have been the one who killed Angelica. They all looked the same aside from colours- black hat, red hair, white hat, green hair- Ruka?

Calvin stopped and hovered for a moment, then swooped downwards without really knowing why. He skidded to a landing in front of her, and was silent for a moment. "Hi."


the opportunities will only increase here on out. gallitrap February 10 2011, 00:20:51 UTC
Even knowing the City was full of heroes with fantastic powers and the like, having anyone suddenly drop down in front of her like that was enough to make Ruka start, even more that it was someone she recognized. There was a brief flash of fear of the unexpected, but it dissipated easily when she saw just who it was meeting her now. After all, there weren't that many imPorts here younger than Ruka.

Her expression settled in some neutral territory-if Calvin were going to wind up being a jerk, she'd just leave, but from this expression, she had a feeling he wouldn't. It didn't look like bright, friendly smiles were in season, either.


Such brilliant conversationalists, these two.


more_surreal February 10 2011, 03:36:07 UTC
Calvin shuffled his feet for a moment, excruciatingly aware that he'd just started a conversation entirely on impulse because of a need he didn't really understand. "So, you're back from Egypt, huh."


gallitrap February 10 2011, 23:03:03 UTC
A silent moment slunk past them before Ruka nodded. "Yeah, we left not too long after that."

She wasn't entirely sure what to make of this situation, either, but... there was probably a reason Calvin was starting a conversation with her, for more reason than just she was there. If his body language was any indication, anyway...

She made a vague, almost-gesture. "Do you want to walk with me, for a while?" Maybe motion would help him open up.


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