I am the shadow on the moon at night.

Feb 01, 2011 00:00

WHO: Terry and whoever. That means YOU!
WHERE: Around the docks probably
WHEN: O'dark o'clock, aka between the hours of halfway-reasonable so-late-it's-early some time Feb 1
WARNINGS: Probable... violence...?
SUMMARY: Terry's back in the saddle. So to speak.
FORMAT: I'm starting with para but people come in with whatever you want.

Filling your dreams to the brim with fright )

† terry mcginnis | batman, † james rogers | n/a, † kara zor-el | supergirl

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supertorso February 1 2011, 07:49:38 UTC
Monday night was boring, and then Monday night turned into the wee hours of Tuesday morning and it was still boring. And a bored Kara is a restless Kara. Restlessness usually means a flight high above the City so she can fly fast and far, spinning in the air and just enjoying the lack of gravity.

Even flying gets old after a while, though, which lead to Kara hanging out on a skyscraper and thinking. And thinking. And then thinking some more. All this thinking lead, in turn, to a reminder that she still hadn't seen Terry's suit and had said she would find him on patrol some time.

Now was as good a time as any.

It didn't take long for her to find him and to hover a good ten feet above and behind where he was. The real question was how long she could tail him without him realizing he had a tail.


supertorso February 4 2011, 05:13:18 UTC
"... It's really kind of creepy when you smile like that. Just so you know."

She fell silent again, only one thing flying through her head. She wasn't sure if she should ask it, if she could ask it. But... she had to know. "So where was I in all of this? Do I even exist in your universe?"


battothefuture February 4 2011, 05:40:42 UTC
He smiles, and it's even less of a comforting look. "I know."

And... the question. "I don't know," he finally says, after a long pause. "There's a Supergirl -- or there was one -- so probably it's you, but I guess I can't say for sure that she is. Was. Slag, I don't know. Stuff can change, and all I know is 'Supergirl.'

"I don't know what happened to her -- she just kind of... dropped off the radar back in- 04? 05, maybe. Pretty sure she didn't die, because I think I would have seen something like that. She was big enough that there was a convention in Japan just for her, so you'd think you'd see some kind of monument or something. But there isn't one, and she isn't around any more. Bruce might be able to tell you more, but I wasn't born yet and I never went looking specifically for your- her?- files. There could be more."


supertorso February 4 2011, 05:46:42 UTC
"I wasn't even around until '05. That was the year I landed in Gotham Bay." In that funny way that comic timelines are like, which can made her have shown up in '05 and then have three years later be 2010.

"Pretty sure there was someone using the name before me, though, so... maybe I just never made it to Earth in your universe." And wasn't that a disturbing thing to think about. She could still be stuck in a hunk of Kryptonite, slowly dying while in suspended animation. Or maybe she never made it outside of Argo when Brainiac attacked. Maybe Argo was never saved. So many possibilities, and none of them seemed good.


battothefuture February 4 2011, 06:00:00 UTC
Terry was pretty good at reading people, and was looking at her hard now. "Or maybe you did. I've tried working out a timeline that makes sense for my reality from the people I've talked to around here, and it doesn't usually work that well. Everything's ten years later than it should be, and some things never happened at all, or they happen and never did in my universe."


supertorso February 4 2011, 06:13:19 UTC
Kara shrugged and looked down at her knees. "That's what makes it an alternate reality. If things weren't different it wouldn't be alternate." Knowing that didn't change the fact that she couldn't help the thoughts running through her head about alternate-her. Could that have been the alternate-her that was here earlier and stayed with the Titans while she was here? It was something to ask Tim or Conner about eventually.


battothefuture February 4 2011, 06:16:51 UTC
Terry looks away from her and groans. "Would you stop it?" It's not like he can read her mind, but he can read enough from her expression to justify his words.


supertorso February 4 2011, 06:19:56 UTC
"Stop what? Kal from being mind-controlled? It's not like I can, unless I want to mess with the timeline in a completely alternate reality. Which is assuming I could even get to your universe," she said, looking over at him. "It's just... hard to swallow."


battothefuture February 4 2011, 06:23:59 UTC
"No, just-"

Terry doesn't know quite what to say (stop worrying, stop thinking what you're thinking, you're you and she's her and you're different even if you're the same) and that leaves him not quite sure how to act. But he can think of another way to distract her. She'd said she liked him, after all, and he didn't want her sad. That meant doing something to make her think of something else, so he leaned over and kissed her, very lightly.

It felt so odd through the mask.

"Stop it," he said softly. "I still have my patrol to finish, you could fly it with me if you want. But stop it."


supertorso February 4 2011, 06:32:40 UTC
The mask felt strange and it was weird to be kissing Batman, but the gesture did what it was supposed to and derailed her train of thought. Kara smiled up at him and nodded slightly as she stood up.

"Yeah. Okay." Her voice was still quiet, but she was slowly coming out of her funk. Words filled her head and she almost voiced them but couldn't, that reminder of home would have felt more than a little out of place there. So she gave him a small smile instead. "You gonna walk me home when we're done, too?"


battothefuture February 4 2011, 06:41:25 UTC
Oh good. He smiles at her. "Depends on how long you want to stay, partially. And I'm pretty sure you'd be able to handle yourself all the way back to your place."


supertorso February 4 2011, 06:47:58 UTC
"But it's the principal of the thing," she said as her smile grew. But she still wasn't sure exactly they stood, so she didn't elaborate any more than that. "If you don't mind my bothering you, I... could probably do with sticking around someone for a while tonight." On nights like these, when her mind was prone to wander, it was either find a night-owl to bother or stay up late and watch movies while listening to Lana breathe in the other room. And since her aunt wasn't here... Bothering a night owl was choice number one.


battothefuture February 4 2011, 06:59:22 UTC
"Who says you're bothering me?" Terry asks cheerfully, and it was with an odd duality that you couldn't hear. Batman was what he needed to be, and Terry was something different. The odd thing here was that he was more Batman than Terry. Batman, however, worked alone. He wasn't sure how to deal with the idea of working with Kara, as anything beyond the fact that she needed something right now. It was strange to look at her two ways like this though. He wished things were simpler. "I usually end up staying out until dawn, these days. It's not like I've got much else to do, and I do my best work at night. Not like you, all flashy blue and superpowers."


supertorso February 4 2011, 07:06:12 UTC
The smile on her face dims a bit as she glances back at him. "I'm not stranger to working nights, you know. And I don't just mean in Metropolis, either. Back home I've been hanging with Grayson some. We recently ran into this guy who had a murderous wall of sound. Got a giant saxophone for Grayson's 'Cave out of the deal." It's a little strange, to talk about Grayson and think about all the stuff that's happened to him since Bruce's death when he doesn't remember any of it, hasn't experienced any of it. He's still Nightwing and that throws her off more than she'd like to admit.

"Anyways," she says, "Technically, I don't need sleep for extended periods of time. Don't need to eat, either, though if I do both for a long while I eventually pass out. So I spend a lot of nights just flying around, even if there isn't work to be done."


battothefuture February 4 2011, 07:18:18 UTC
He laughs. The point here is to keep the mood light. "That was me teasing you, in case you didn't realize. And huh, a sax? I fought a guy who specialized in sound a few times, but he had a suit with a few fancy toys on it, not giant musical instruments."


supertorso February 4 2011, 07:21:12 UTC
"Giant things usually don't show up unless they're robots, and even that's rare. That was more a thing of the past, even in my time. Like the penny and the dinosaur and stuff were all apparently from Grayson's time as Robin." She's pretty sure she doesn't need to tell him what the penny and dinosaur are. If she does, she may say his universe is the weirdest thing ever and be done with ever talking about it ever again.


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