i was only kidding when i said good riddance

Jan 08, 2011 02:11

WHERE: Electro's apartment at the MAC.
WHEN: Following this.
WARNINGS: Banter, makeouts, some sex.
SUMMARY: PARKER IS GONE AND ELECTRO IS SAD. Mockingbird to the rescue.

don't say what you're really thinking, don't say what you really wanna say )

bobbi morse | mockingbird, max dillon | electro

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mockingbirdie January 8 2011, 10:28:33 UTC
Meanwhile, Bobbi felt like the scum of the earth. Luke was right about Parker, she knew he was. But she knew there was real value in taking a moment to listen when you had someone willing to open up and share a part of themselves. It wouldn't change his future, but it changed who Parker was while he was in the City. Bobbi had to hope that it did, anyway.

She'd been walking this line a lot though, especially recently. Perhaps she was becoming blind to her surroundings. Maybe she was too close to the situation for her own good. After all, here she was, sneaking over to Electro's apartment when she ought to be at the mansion, playing the part laid out for her. She should be apologizing to Luke, and probably to Peter too. She should be thinking about Clint and how much she missed him. She should not be knocking on the door marked 206, holding her breath while she waited for an answer.

God, she was such an idiot.


mockingbirdie January 9 2011, 12:27:47 UTC
"Yeah, we did." Bobbi sighed softly, keeping eye contact with him as she placed her hand on his thigh. She was being a bit more bold than he was, perhaps. "But we're not alone, you know. There's lots of people in this world, people who are just as lonely, people who miss someone just as bad. The sun and moon don't revolve around a single person, Max. The days still pass on, whether you're with them or not."

She pressed against him even more. How she managed to do that without climbing into his lap, she wasn't entirely sure. Either way, he was warm, and it felt nice to be so close to him. "It's okay to miss them, you know. I miss Clint. I miss him... I miss him horribly. But I don't just want to survive til I see him again. I want to live, you know?"


electrouble January 10 2011, 04:38:01 UTC
He raised his eyebrows, but let his other hand slip around her shoulders, some of her blonde hair clinging to the static from his fingers.

"But I l--" He paused, shaking his head again. "No. You're right. It's pointless, to assume anything's gonna last forever, here or there. I lost more people back home than I ever did here. You're right. You gotta live in between the moments."

He hesitated another moment, and then decided to chance it. He leaned in, hoping to kiss her.


mockingbirdie January 10 2011, 05:14:22 UTC
Bobbi didn't hesitate, though she knew she should. She should have recoiled or pushed him away or something. But she didn't. She leaned into him, lips parting as she pressed her mouth to his. And she pulled him closer, too, because his mouth felt so good against hers, and because thinking about the consequences was an unpleasant prospect. After a moment or two, she murmured encouragingly, "Mmm... Max."


electrouble January 10 2011, 07:23:26 UTC
His hand buzzed against her hair, and he pressed his lips against hers harder, breathing quickly against her mouth. His other hand cupped her hip and he let his eyes fall closed, losing himself in the moment.


mockingbirdie January 10 2011, 07:39:29 UTC
A tiny squeal escaped her lips, and she somehow got a hold on his shirt, tugging at it randomly as they kissed. After a few seconds she pulled back, just long enough to catch her breath. And as soon as she was breathing again, she leaned in to do it again.


electrouble January 10 2011, 08:21:15 UTC
"Ah," he exhaled, catching her lips again and running his hand up her thigh. He pressed closer, chest against hers, murmuring against her mouth. His fingers shook; part of him feared hurting her with his powers -- it took a lot of focus to keep the shocks back.


mockingbirdie January 10 2011, 08:45:59 UTC
Bobbi's heart was pounding, it was so loud it was like a freight train rattling in her ribcage. Her whole body was trembling from the thrill of the moment, and she was suddenly a little bit nervous. Aside from her own heart, she couldn't hear much. Even though there were people on every side of them in the building, she suddenly remembered how very alone they were. Yes, she was alone in a strange apartment with a man who'd been in and out of prison and killed people and stolen and tried to hurt her friends, and... kissing him felt so amazing. It was like her lips were tingling, like everywhere he touched her was buzzing and alive.

It felt good, it did, and Bobbi didn't want him to stop. But along with the rush of adrenaline and lust came an almost overwhelming fear. This wasn't like their kiss at the party. This was different. This was a lot different.

"Max, one second, wait," she breathed against his lips, unable to resist the urge to kiss him between phrases. "You haven't even bought me dinner or anything..."


electrouble January 11 2011, 04:12:31 UTC
Pulling away after a moment, he looked at her, breathing slowly. He licked his lower lip, moving his hand back down to her hip. His chest clenched nervously -- of course she would change her mind. He should have seen it coming earlier.

"Right, sorry," he said, rubbing the back of his neck. "I didn't mean to like-- I like you, I guess I got ahead of myself. We could get some dinner, if you wanted."


mockingbirdie January 11 2011, 04:27:12 UTC
"You shouldn't apologize. I like you, too," she said, nibbling on her lower lip. "I wouldn't be here if I didn't. I knew... I knew what could happen."

She didn't didn't make any effort to move away though. In fact, she found herself cupping his cheek, studying his expression very intensely. It was a long moment before she spoke again.

"I don't want to be a booty call. I'm not that kind of woman. I'd... feel better about this if we had dinner or something."


electrouble January 11 2011, 05:09:27 UTC
Electro looked back at her, and leaned in once more to kiss her briefly. He was relieved, at least, that he hadn't messed things up.

"Sure, I get it." He paused for a moment, rubbing his mouth with his hand. "I could take you out. Or make something here, if you wanted." He looked toward his kitchen, which was mostly empty save for a six-pack of beer and some microwave dinners. A restaurant would be infinitely more classy, that was for sure.


mockingbirdie January 11 2011, 05:27:19 UTC
"Maybe we could get some take out." Bobbi took a deep breath, ignoring the little voice in the back of her head that was screaming at her for being so stupid. She had a chance to extract herself and escape, but forgetting all that and just going with it seemed so much easier. She liked him, he was a lot different from her expectations of what he would be. And he liked her. And being with someone who liked her as much as she liked him seemed a lot better than just sitting alone and wishing for something that may never happen.

"We could bring something back here, if you're up for it." She smirked at him, suddenly regaining that confident air she usually possessed, planting a quick kiss on his cheek before wriggling out of his clutches.


electrouble January 12 2011, 01:41:00 UTC
He watched her for another moment, but nodded in agreement. "Sure, where do you want to go?" He got up for the couch slowly, the static audibly clinging to him. Sneakily, he took her hand in his.

"I could go grab something, if you wanted to wait here," he offered, if she didn't want to go out somewhere visible with him. But after a moment he continued, "or we could together somewhere."


mockingbirdie January 12 2011, 03:02:31 UTC
She paused a moment, looking at Max, then away, then back to him. For some reason, being seen with him was different than just being with him. It was a distinction she felt ashamed to have made in her own mind. Quickly and silently, she weighed the pros and cons of venturing out in public with him, the risks involved for an Avenger to be seen with a fairly well-known villain. After a few seconds though, she decided she didn't care. Anyone in this part of the City that knew who both of them were would probably know better than to say anything about it. Besides, the worst that could happen is Luke could yell at her again.

Bobbi held tightly to his hand, following him up from the sofa. "Let's get Chinese. You know anything close by?"


electrouble January 12 2011, 04:00:31 UTC
He smiled, eyes narrowing mischievously as he thought for a moment. He felt her pulse against his palm.

"Yeah. There's a place around the corner, actually. It's my favorite." He neglected to mention he didn't usually pay for his food when he went there, but... well, why try and start a fight?

He let go of her hand, walking over to the door and opening it for her.


mockingbirdie January 12 2011, 05:25:01 UTC
Bobbi stepped back into the hall, zipping her coat up again, grabbing hold of his arm once he was in the hall too. A little risky perhaps, given their surroundings, but Bobbi had given up on caring at this point.

"That sounds perfect. What do you usually get?" She smiled, sticking close to him as they walked.


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