Dec 17, 2010 16:34

WHEN: Thursday Night + All Day Friday
WARNINGS: Bugs. Lots of Bugs. Violence Against Bugs.
SUMMARY: The larger Insecticons come out to play. Heroes unit for justice!

ahh get it off! get it off! )

sanji | mr. prince, † jonah matsuka | n/a, † bakura ryou | shiromadoushi, † james rogers | n/a, † ben reilly | scarlet spider, *open

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Comments 22

This. Is made for me. Also FRIDAY and OPEN notadartboard December 17 2010, 23:30:21 UTC
Sanji had chosen to take the week off from even showing his face at the club, but he had a manager now who could handle the day-to-day and decided his customers could suck it. If they wanted his cooking so badly they could come back another week when he was there. He was fully healed by now, through a combination of efforts, so he could leave his apartment and hit the town for grocery and gift-shopping trips all he wanted. He didn't even ask the other two to join him, he was intent on getting this done all alone. After all, it was his own decision to buy or bake for so many people, and to attend the party coming up on Sunday. He didn't need help for that.

The skittering caught his attention first. It sounded disgustingly like insects, too many of them, making him twist his lips around his cigarette in a scowl. Ugh, do the bugs in this city ever just die from the cold or what? Sanji had somehow escaped being truth-bugged himself, perhaps because he threw a fit and stomped the shit out of any cockroaches that dared show up in his ( ... )


Friday and Open carrytheshield December 18 2010, 00:08:04 UTC
This had started as a fairly normal trip out, but now James was getting another glimpse of how weird the city was.

Robot bugs. Eating street lights. He wasn't really that fond of robots to begin with. It took only a moment to slip his new mask on and retrieve his shield, and then the shield was arcing through the air. His father's shield was even better than the energy shield when it came to stopping robots. It hit two of them before returning to him.

That got their attention, and it did stop most of the bugs on the street from chewing on metal. Instead, they were coming at him now.


Friday and Open theredarachnid December 18 2010, 20:37:03 UTC
With every passing day, Ben was starting to regret not having procured a new set of web-shooters yet. Or a better uniform than the sweatpants, hooded sweatshirt, and ski mask in dark colors that he was wearing now. Especially since said outfit was somewhat...ripped up. Not enough to compromise his identity, but enough to reveal he was a Caucasian whose legs had been a little scraped up over the past week or so.

Seeing James toss the shield and attract the bugs' attention got Ben springing into action. With a series of acrobatic jumps, flips, and scurries down the side of a building, he landed on street level, quipping all the way.

"It would figure there are still violent insect robot thingies, even here. Nice shield, by the way. Divide and conquer?" He tilted his head in the direction of the scurrying bugs.


carrytheshield December 19 2010, 00:14:44 UTC
"I bet evil robots are some kind of universal constant, we had them where I'm from too," James responded, using the shield to bash one of the few that had been near him to begin with as it jumped at him with the shield.

"Yes, are you sure you can take care of yourself against them?" Even if this guy answered yes, James was going to keep an eye on him, but now wasn't the time to stand around and talk.

James jumped over the row of cars parked next to the sidewalk. "At least they're not giant robots."


theredarachnid December 19 2010, 00:30:01 UTC
"Did someone with an axe to grind against you make them with the express goal of killing you?" A few moments of observation would make Ben's fighting style plain to see: his punches and kicks weren't things of beauty, but he seemed to have an uncanny sixth sense about when the insects would attack. They'd try to swarm him, and he would duck out of the way and swat them with what seemed like little effort.

"I managed to survive last night against them, so I figure I've got a pretty good chance of my luck holding out tonight. And hopefully, they don't pull a Voltron on us."


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placeholder until after party, sob loveyourenemy December 18 2010, 00:39:02 UTC

It had been less than a minute since Matsuka and Bakura had set off on their separate ways for home after the end of their work shifts. Matsuka was on his way back toward the MAC, but the surge of alarm that reached him from Bakura stopped him short.

Something was wrong. Matsuka turned around and started jogging quickly back the way he had come.


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loveyourenemy December 18 2010, 13:57:41 UTC

The moment he caught sight of Bakura and the monster machine chasing him, Matsuka's power surged; he flashed across the remaining distance between them and past Bakura in a burst of speed that turned him into little more than a blur and a rush of air, and the robot's pursuit was stopped abruptly by the force of the psion shield that slammed into it. The sound was like a car crash, and the robot lifted off the ground with the impact, knocked back a space to land on the pavement with a crunch.


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