Jan 28, 2009 17:53

WHO: This is an OPEN event! Rules to follow.
WHERE: Midtown, downtown, business district, and a couple blocks of northern residential areas.
WHEN: Jan 28
WARNINGS: Violence >:U

The streets began to shudder. Not dramatically, no--not like an earthquake. A gentle tremble that made the metal manhole lids clink. Barely noticeable as traffic moved on as usual. Only a few people noticed that steam had stopped billowing out from the sewers below, and even then, what difference did it make?

A whole lot.

The lid rattled again, then visibly shook and lifted up out of the concrete. People stopped and stared. Something was bulging up from the small hole. It was making the stiff concrete fracture and crack. Suddenly, with a burst of momentum, the mass exploded out of the hole and poured upward, landing onto the street with a dull rumble. That got people moving.

It was huge--around sixty yards long from end to end. Legs, tons of cone-shaped legs skuttled beneath it, like an oversized centipede. Its shell glistened in the light with the faintest traces of metal.

A second one emerged two blocks down. Then another, further off. And they slowly began their march.

Say hello to the first swarm of Sipsky pets. Some loony has been tinkering around with genetics and has coughed up these beasties, sending them through the city sewers and up onto the streets. They are covering a good area of the city, but not everywhere. Outskirts are not affected, and neither is the bay area.

60-68 yards long
7 ft high from foot to top
Armored bodies
5-6 tons
Slow-moving (approx 3 miles/hr)
Slow reaction time, if any reaction at all.
Seems to enjoy consuming metal and will do so as much as it can until its confronted and upset(cars, lamp posts, etc)
Can rear up on its upper third of body, but takes a lot to get it to use that much stamina.
Can curl up on itself, and will, if damaged badly.

There are creases in the body that can be used to get in under the armored shell, and there you can exploit
Extreme heat
Electric shock
Toxins/foreign chemicals
And any damage done by somehow slicing under the armor.

When a monster takes enough damage to its body or receives a strong enough electric shock, a device planted inside its body will trigger and the whole animal will begin to melt into a nasty acidic mess all over. So you get two fun problems. How do you take out the beasties, and what the heck are you gonna do with this mess?

Only two people per thread. New threads for new pairs. Team up and take 'em down!
The monsters are now active under your discretion--you have the basics of how they move and react, so go to town and beat up some monsters (and yourself)!


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