The voice inside your head

Sep 26, 2010 19:06

WHO: coldbeansnsugar, sable_cloak, [open]
WHERE: Somewhere on the streets of the city
WHEN: September 26th, late evening//night
WARNINGS: Rorschach of all people spamming his goddamn thoughts right into other people's heads? ...guess that does require a warning... Also: Rambling, wordiness, one silly theory and... eh... Bad punctuation? ...and my brain just jumped down the ( Read more... )

† watler kovacs | rorschach, † lamont cranston | the shadow, *open

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sable_cloak September 26 2010, 18:15:31 UTC
Lamont, in dress, looked no different than any other businessman in New York, save for something about him that always seemed Old World. He had the stature of someone of class who better belonged in the 1930s than the 21st century, though is dark suit displayed the sharp lines of the modern world.

At the moment that Rorschach walked by, projecting his thoughts in what the telepathically endowed Shadow felt constituted a shout, he turned his head with everyone else around him and tried to locate the source. He handed the vendor some cash for the newspaper in his hand and casually started a stroll in the direction that he thought the thoughts had gone. If he could catch up, he might be able to determine if this was an intended assault on citizen psyche, or unintentional. Either way, he wanted to know who the unknown individual was that displayed such a use of thought projection.


sable_cloak September 27 2010, 04:57:18 UTC
It was the closest Lamont figured he would get to calling this progress in the conversation.

"I will walk with you. Think as you will, but open your eyes to the reactions of those around you instead of closing yourself into your thoughts. You will see that what you are thinking is being projected to others." With Lamont nearby, he should also be able to run interference should the situation get out of control. Hopefully by allowing Rorschach to lead the direction they travel, he can build the man's confidence in what he says.


fridgevigilante September 27 2010, 06:21:45 UTC

/Not unlike Miss Boylen. Quite keen on proving story all of them seem to believe so willingly. Offer not too risky. Can prove him wrong. Shatter unreasonable beliefs along with weird idea./

The prospect was promising enough, as there was no way whatever this man said could be true. All he had to figure out was whatever little trick je had used to read his thoughts. But he would find out. Somehow.

In the end, Rorschach put away his weapon with a little grunted "Fine."


sable_cloak September 28 2010, 00:57:53 UTC
"Very well." Lamont took a short step forward and motioned with a hand toward the opposite end of the alley. "Lead the way, I will follow alongside."

So he didn't believe that the Porter had been the force to bring him here. That was not Lamont's aim, but perhaps if he could see what had happened to him, this new arrival might be willing to suspend a little of his paranoia in exchange for some reason.


fridgevigilante September 28 2010, 03:02:41 UTC
Giving a short grunt Rorschach stepped past Lamont. Not without giving the other man yet another critical glance over his shoulder as he passed "Better not try anything funny." he warned before heading back out of the alley and onto the sidewalk, shoving both his hands into his coat's pockets once more.

After one look down to his left and right for quick reorientation, the vigilante decided to turn left in order to continue his stroll. He didn't have a particular goal this night. Everything he could think of checking, he had already been to in his search. So tonight was rather meant to come up with something new. Anything, really.

Though the original plan didn't include the company of some stranger. Approving of being followed. It just... Felt wrong.

/Could quickly disable him. No reasons for extreme measures, though. Gullible fool. Could lead him anywhere. Straight into bloody hell. Too trusting. Too easy. Why so hellbent on absurd theory? On making strangers believe while condemning other possibilities? Some sort of control over ( ... )


sable_cloak September 28 2010, 05:17:00 UTC
Lamont keeps in stride with Rorschach, maintaining a position equal with him, and never dropping back. It makes trying anything 'funny' nearly impossible as he's always within Rorschach's peripherals, in the very least ( ... )


fridgevigilante September 28 2010, 16:17:47 UTC
"Can't quite continue with entire surroundings being replaced!" Rorschach replied, keeping his face directed forward almost stubbornly "New city. Everything you had, everyone you knew: Left behind. Nothing the same. Continuation: Impossible. Fresh start more--" He shut himself up abruptly, stopping his stroll to look at Lamont once he realized the origin of this conversation and how naturally he had answered.

/Mind reading. Not good./

"Stop that!" he demanded, reaching up to the brim of his hat instinctively and pulling his fedora a bit further down into his face. Yes. Abigail had claimed there to be mind reading people here. And Rorschach had accused her of lying back then. It doesn't make much more sense than anything else, but somehow the vigilante prefered that idea to what Lamont had claimed to prove.


sable_cloak September 30 2010, 02:27:11 UTC
"I can't stop it, so long as you keep telegraphing your thoughts, sir." That he was complaining about being stripped from his own city and put into a new one, he must believe The Shadow was used to this.

"And for your information, the date where I call home is 1937. A fresh start is not easy, everything I've made of myself here I've done in the few months I've had to live here. I did not ask to be taken from my home and my friends."


fridgevigilante September 30 2010, 03:06:05 UTC
Within his pockets, Rorschach clenched his fists. But he still refrained from simply hitting this man. Instead he just snorted some sort of growl at the other man. None of them had any proof so far to support their side after all.

Still grumbling a little at himself, Rorschach turned back and continued down the sidewalk. At least, he wasn't done being accusional yet "Still, seem to have simply accepted happenings." he said almost disdainfully "Took things as given without questioning or ever having seen any solid proof. No one can proof anything here. Yet, everyone keeps telling weird stories. Suspicious, really."


sable_cloak October 1 2010, 02:31:33 UTC
"Suspicious?" That earns a grin and a dark chuckle from Lamont. The laugh does not border on the kind he gives as The Shadow, but the sound is an affirmation of Rorschach's observation. "I thought that went without saying. Much of this place is, but in the very least, you might consider what I've said as a lead to whatever you think the truth is."

"Until I find a permanent way home, I'll have to make due. I've been sent home and brought back once in the seven months I've spent in this city. No reason I should live without certain basic comforts when I'm perfectly capable of regaining them."


fridgevigilante October 1 2010, 17:48:55 UTC
Rorschach's idea of basic comforts may be a lot different from Lamonts, but he still got the meaning of those words. He considered the finding a permanent way home part for a bit and just found himself at the basic of those words again: Home. And the question yet again: Did he actually want to get back?

In the silence accompanying his pondering, the images from Veidt's many television screens returned to him. Too strong an impression as to not leak away, similar to his thoughts kept doing. A giant, squid like monstrosity lying in the middle of New York, its many tentadles making the creatures' radius even larger. Nothing but destroyed buildings all around. Destroyed buildings and dead people. Lots and lots of innocent citizens reduced to absurd bloody lumbs.Rorschach grunts softly to himself and was about to bring one hand up to his temple when not far from them a woman shrieked, whirled around suddenly as if stroke by a thunderbolt. Hands around her head, she looked around frantically, locked eyes with him despite his mask for the ( ... )


sable_cloak October 2 2010, 17:25:12 UTC
Lamont watches the woman when she darts off, though the images have hardly the same effect on him personally, he still gives an expression of distress. He's unable to follow her without risking it happening again to someone else, and it's clear this man has thoughts that border on not only the paranoid, but the disturbed as well.

"I can hardly blame the poor girl." He frowns. "That was a bit, excessive, to use that thought. I've seen my fair share of unpleasantness in this world, but I feel that was uncalled for."


fridgevigilante October 3 2010, 07:07:48 UTC
"Uncalled for?!" Rorschach repeated Lamont's words and his own tone turned into a snarl at the underlying accusation. It was apparent, that the other man intended to blame this on the vigilante as well. But there just was no way he could have done anything. Or was there? No. He couldn't actually start believing this.

Rorschach growled a little, but managed to collect himself rather quickly "Shouldn't get civilians involved." he said in a stern voice. This may not be his city, but that hardly changed the fact of tere being good and innocent people around. People he once had decided to protect.


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