We got no class, no taste, no shirt, and shit faced

May 25, 2010 22:37

Who: Jan and open to anybody that either got the address of the party or got it from someone else
Where: A mediocre hotel next to a Jezebel's. Classy as hell, man. MAKE UP THE INTERIOR OF THE PLACE OR SOMETHING IDEFK.
When: Tuesday night, from somewhere around 9:00 pm to whenever the hell people start leaving.
Warnings: This thing's gonna be like Vegas contained in one room, with Jan thrown on top.
Summary: Jan, sick of all the srsbnzs, throws a party. Predictably, it's seedy as hell. Tag yourselves in!

Jan tipped back his glass, downing another large swallow of his drink - thick and dark and painfully obvious, he had to keep it in a tinted glass to hide what it really was. Being a vampire sucked ass sometimes, he'd realized a while ago, and for a few certain reasons: he couldn't eat, occasionally he missed feeling warm and not cold as a corpse, and goddamn was it difficult to drink efficiently. A sip of the straight stuff and he went reeling - nowadays, he had to mix alcohol with equal or greater parts straight blood, and the morning after that still kicked his ass worse than any hangover he'd ever had as human. Ah well, sacrifices.

The party was lively, at least. A bunch of seedy business acquaintances, normal civilians that still managed to be more intimidating than a number of the wussier imPorts, had taken up various tables with card games or whatever they were choosing to do - he saw a couple of strippers on tables that weren't originally supposed to be for strippers, but what the hell - and Jan more or less ignored them. He was spying for any imPorts he'd need to keep an eye on, anybody with a grudge and the capability of taking it out on him or his party. A woman walked by, it didn't matter who, and he let out a low wolf whistle from his seat as she passed him by. She gave him a look and he popped her one on the ass, a normally casual - if not crude - act that Jan's strength and tipsiness magnified to almost knocking her down. This was hysterical to him and a few acquaintances nearby who had turned to watch the spectacle, catcalling the woman as she hurried away in humiliation. Jan shrugged, then called out.

"Ah, she was probably a bitch anyway. Hey, man - top me off, would ya? I'm fuckin' dry here."

† carly nagisa | fortune lady, † yusuke urameshi | n/a, † jan valentine | n/a, † cheshire cat | oreo, † kuwabara kazuma | n/a, † booga | n/a, *open, james bond | 007

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