Mar 22, 2009 20:33
Looks like everyone can do with a bit of cheering up, yeah? I'm throwing a party. Everyone -- everyone -- is invited and I'm offering up an entire list of reasons why we should celebrate.
1. The mutants didn't kill me.
2. My best mate James turns 18 in a few days and although the bastard's still not here, he'd be disappointed if I weren't sloshed for it.
3. Natural phenomena.
4. Moony's birthday was a few days ago and if anyone deserves a party, I figure it's him.
5. You're looking quite lovely today.
6. Spring is here!
7. Does anyone really need a reason to drink, honestly.
Oh. Costumes. And fondue. Where can I get fondue? And proper champagne too.
Anyway, date's set for Thursday night, feel free to bring party favors, I'm having it at Moony's, don't be a dick, any questions just ask, etc. etc.
† sirius black | padfoot