In 1914, in the middle of World War I, there was something called the Christmas Armistice. Around Christmas and New Years, there was an unspoken end to fighting just for the Holidays, although it was part of a trend that soldiers were just slowly becoming acclimated to not fighting [ A tap, tap, tap of his pen. ] You know, I was starting to,
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So what is it, that we need to talk about? On my one day off, mind.
Resentment that would be couched by the nature of fear! You've seen this model, you know the only way it fails or backfires is when the fearing party gets a leg up. And they've already feared us, we only have our position to lose. You're giving them that leg up.
Vulcanus is an entirely different issue altogether, if you want to talk security.
[A beat.]
Again, you know this model. You know where I'm deriving this from. Vengeance, vigilantism. Power imbalances. They already resent us, Mitchell, some of them hate us -- despite how politically incorrect it would be to say in public, now. We are past that point. Don't give them the power to leash us.
If we don't have faith to use it, then we need to change it for the better. That's why I fucking took the job I did! [ At least in the outset. ]
We need to work this, Edward. We need to make what they want to be a leash into something else, [ a pause, it sounds so drastic ] turn it the other way around.
We're not going to disagree that the current system needs transformation, Mitch, but I can tell you our methods towards that goal will be different. I'm not going to spin a compromise that undermines something I value.
[Beat. And then, acidly:] I thought you had more liberal leanings, Mitchell.
We need to give something, Edward. Especially if we want to take anything from them. We can. We will, but I need you on this.
Why give them this?
What else are we going to give them? Our blood? The secret to our powers? Access to the porter, to help them shut it down? Keep us from ever returning home? We don't have many options here!
It's not meant to be torture or death! We won't let it get that far!
But not this one.
Do you really think giving them more things to buy is going to solve this? I'm sure it isn't going to help now.
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