0023 ☆ video.

Oct 13, 2011 19:18

[Oh, hey! It's another joint post with Zee, this time with the usual partner-in-crime Ted Kord and newcomer, Clark Kent. They are in what appears to be a more high-end, independent grocery store. Zatanna has a cup of coffee in her hand and she's leaning forward against a rather full cart. Clark and Ted are perusing the meat section beside her, since she isn't exactly an expert on the subject (heh). Ted is the first to address the audience, waving!]

So, uh. Hi, network! This guy right here who is very serious about his steaks is our friend Clark, from back home.

[And Clark looks up from the steaks, a bit startled.] Oh, geez, you're film-- Hi? Like Ted said, I'm Clark. Kent. Er. Zatanna managed to run into me while I was, well, dumbfoundedly staring around the City. Interviewed her a while back, so she took pity on me and offered me a room. [He smiles a bit and returns to scrutinizing meat packages.]

It's a pretty great article, surprisingly low on magic puns! [Zatanna's looking less bored and more attentive now.] Anyway, you know how it's been unnaturally nice lately? We figured that we'd throw a barbecue before we can't. But there's a catch! Being so close to Halloween, we've decided to make it a barbecue costume party! And don't try to pull any of that "it's too short notice," crap with me. There are always costumes!

So this barbecue-costume... thing... is also a welcome party! Kind of. So let us know if you want anything ...special, I guess? Um. [There's an awkward shrug, and he grins at Clark.] Take it away, maestro.

[Clark looks back up from the steak.] Maestro? Wouldn't go that far. It's at Zee's place, Sunday afternoon. [He looks a bit plaintive.] It's just to have a good time, so anyone's welcome, but please no causing trouble? Either direction?

[Zatanna takes over at this point, since she's more confrontational than Clark is.] Seriously, guys. None of that superhero-villain-grey-area-whatever argument BS. We're strictly off duty, got it? If you can handle that, it starts at four, but the grilling will start around five, so feel free to show up a little later. It may go on well into the night and the yard will be lit up, so we won't be restricted to the inside.

[ooc: BLUE is Ted, RED is Clark, and PURPLE is Zatanna! More details about this shindig can be found over here on the ooc comm!]

zatanna zatara | zatanna, ted kord | blue beetle ii, † clark kent | superman

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