19 ⊗ video ⊗ in which i finally start numbering hank's posts

Sep 19, 2011 12:35

[The video shows a brown-haired man, early-thirties and with round-framed glasses. His style of suit, plaid slacks with a matching vest, rolled up sleeves on a yellow Oxford shirt, and a red bowtie, may have some familiarity to it. He's studying his hand with a look of almost excited curiosity.]

It's the hands that always take me by surprise. They've never been so small as this, even when I was younger. Well, not in terms of proportion, at least. [The voice may be familiar as well, though it lacks a very distinct purr to it. He stamps his foot twice.] My balance isn't struck such a blow as last time this happened, which I suspect is a result of the resurrection. The change wasn't so sudden, thus the loss lacked something immediate to compare it to. I also must express my gratitude to Lachesis for giving me clothes that fit at this size. Anything less, well, I'd rather not dwell on how embarrassing that could be!

[He puts his hand down and smiles at the camera.]

Sorry to ramble, but you'll have to understand I'm only just now experiencing firsthand phenomena I'd only heard of before! It's an astonishing sensation, actually, and I can't help wondering about the logistics behind it. Whether it's due to my X-Gene simply being shut off, or removed entirely? There's clearly some alteration occuring at a basic genetic level, but by which means? Nanites? Magic? Some simpler chemical process? Just imagine what we could learn from the data this process could reveal, should it be possible to unlock it!

[He puts up his hands aquiescently.] Ah, but I'm sure I'm boring you all by now! This isn't meant to be a lecture, Hank, but an announcement of your return. Of course. I suppose I'm still dealing with the entire process of being dead only to now find myself no longer in that state. [He runs his hand through his hair and smiles wide. Sorry, guys, this is all just a little overwhelming for him.] I suppose I'll need some sort of update on the situation as it's been in my absence. I'm sure there's much to do!

[encrypted to Amanda Waller

Hank rubs his temples and takes on a far more somber tone.]

Darling, I can only imagine how trying an ordeal this must have been for you, and I deeply apologize for having put you through it. He was...well, a little too swift for me, I suppose.

I'd like to see you as soon as I can. [He chuckles softly.] I suppose I'll have to take a cab, not many rooftops I'll be able to jump in this state.

Are you at the office?

hank mccoy | beast

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