00001011 [video] - backdated to a lot earlier in the evening orz

Jul 25, 2011 02:14

--ou fucking nuts?! You wanna get all our dicks shot off with fucking laser eyes!?

Don't be such a fucking pussy!

Hehe, pussy.

[This is the perfect storm of terrible shaky-cam cell phone videography, folks. The frame's pointed unsteadily at somebody's sneakers, half the lens is blocked by a blurry finger, and there are a bunch of loud hollow 'clicks' in the background as the video taker presses various buttons on the comm obnoxiously hard. But it's pretty easy to tell that the scene is a badly lit back-alley, and all three of the voices are obviously male teenagers.]

Don't you know the cops watch this?? They've got that psycho from 24 in there, my cousin told me about 'im! He'll shove a motherfucking towel down your throat!

The cops can't do that, shit-for-brains!

Guys, shut up! I think I got it!

[The one holding the comm starts to pan the camera up and there's a brief glimpse of the bent knees of somebody kneeling heavily on the pavement, but a hand comes shooting in to block the view and the guy standing off to the side speaks.]

FUCKING- don't get his FACE on camera!

I know what I'm doing, jackass!

[There's a shove and an oomph, then the view finally pans up to show the kneeling man and a shoulders-down look at the teenager standing behind him pinning the man's arms behind his back, who sounds almost dangerously pleased with himself.]

Hey, all you imported shitbags! Missing something?

[The kneeling man is wearing some kind of black bodysuit and seems only semi-conscious, his head being held up by the teen gripping his fist in the man's slicked-back blue hair. The man's eyes are hidden behind a dark red-tinted visor and there's blood oozing from his nose and mouth, and between that and the shaky camerawork it's nearly impossible to get a good look at his face. For some, however, the conclusion will be obvious.]

We found this fag stumbling out of that newbie building or whatever-the-fuck of yours like Little Bo Peep's very own fucking lost sheep. [The other two snicker loudly] He seemed to be headed someplace in a big fucking hurry, before he had to go and trip and land his face on all our knuckles a few times. It's a real fucking shame. [Even more unpleasant sniggering.]

So, is he a friend'a yours? Went back to one of those weeaboo fag dimensions for a little vacay? Or'd he just get hisself offed like that dumbfuck of a mayor?

Dude, are you thinking we could ransom him or some shit?? That'd be fucking EPIC!

[ooc: First comment and any [action] tags reserved for Shockwave-to-the-rescue, expect zero replies from "Soundwave" or any of the Darwin Award nominee guest-stars beyond that.]

† bruno | dark glass

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