Mar 30, 2011 19:14
[Oh, hey, it's Spike. He appears to be sitting by a window, dressing in jeans and a blue fitted shirt. There's sun beaming directly down onto him and strangely enough, he doesn't seem ready to burst into flames. He also isn't smoking anything. Huh.]
[Voices can be heard in the background, indistinct, but there is definitely singing. Or rather, an attempt to get people to sing. It probably isn't working. Someone might be shouting.]
[He looks disheveled, a notebook balanced rather precariously on one knee, hair grown out some to expose the brown root and exactly why he slicks it back instead of letting it grow out naturally.]
Driving us all even more batty. That's the plan, isn't it? They'll just keep us all here singing and drugged to the bloody gills until we all rot. Going to burn up from the inside.
Except for me.
Don't burn anymore, ya see.
[He pauses, turning to look past the communicator and scowl a bit.]
What rhythms with twat?
† spike | n/a