03; video

Jan 15, 2011 12:11

[The feed flickers on to show Stephen's gloved hand pulling away from the comm. He doesn't seem to be in his usual good spirits today. In fact, his usually perfect hair is kind of ruffled, and he might be sweating slightly. Overall, not the picture of the calm mystic he usually portrays.]

Ah-- Hello. I'm always so surprised when this thing works properly for me, I--

[A stack of books crashes in the background. There's a puff of dust where they land and in the rising dust, the shape of a teenage girl is visible. She's petite, pale, with blue hair and glasses. Stephen turns to look back at her and though his tone is scolding, it's also very fond and slightly sad.]

Casey, I asked you not to touch those. You may not be tangible, but there's really no telling how ancient tomes will react to the less than living. [A pause.] I'm sorry. I didn't mean anything by that.

[He turns back to face the feed, trying valiantly not to look quite so frazzled.]

I've sensed many interesting things in the past week, but I thought the most by far would be a rather stimulating conversation with my bathwater regarding Vivaldi. However, I do have a question for you, network, how many of you have been visited by spirits recently. And, perhaps more importantly, what was the last known status of these individuals?

[Ghost!Casey floats up behind Stephen, leaning over his shoulder to look into the camera. Closer up, she's notably translucent and kind of desaturated. He tries to hold up his arm to signal her to back up, but it just ends up floating awkwardly through Casey's shoulder. Strange doesn't seem surprised, but he's definitely disappointed.]

Casey, you need to move away from the comm now. Was there something you wanted to read about in those books? I'll turn the pages for you...

[She doesn't really reply but floats back over to them. Strange reaches forward to turn off the feed. There's no need to broadcast eerie ghost story time over the network now that his question has been asked.]

stephen strange | dr. strange

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