004 - Video [backdated to this morning]

Dec 07, 2010 22:24

[cue Donna looking very tired. She's still at the office and judging by just how dishevelled she looks, it's clear she slept at her desk last night. And not very well.]

Right. Surprisin'ly my desk was... oh, who am I kiddin'? Worst night's sleep ever. Blimey, I've only been workin' here a couple of weeks and already I get wrapped up in all of this. Oh, my God.

So, apparently, Mr. Cranston's been - what d'you call it? - 'Ported out. Found his comm on his desk yesterday at around noon. He'd just called me into his office and, by the time I got there, he was... he was just... gone. Bloody barmy, that's what it is.

Anyway, I would have said somethin' 'bout it sooner 'cept it took me and the secretary awhile to organize everythin'. But, in sayin' that, I'm pretty sure we can continue business here at Cranston Consultations as normal... I think. Well, I'll try my best to. Some of his files and things are password protected and I still have a lot of aspects about runnin' a bloomin' company to suss out so if you'll all just bear with me for the moment.

... I just thought I should let you all know.

† donna noble | supertemp

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