Vol. 2, Issue 51; Video

Nov 20, 2010 17:37

[The video shows the Joker in his Oberon disguise, facing the camera.]

Before I came here, I lost someone very dear to me. Someone very important in my life. With them gone, it was as if the light gone out of everything. Everything was so very dull.

I was worried I had lost them forever. I hid my sorrow and became someone else, but now… that person is here. All is right again. And so…

[There Joker ducks out of view and then stands back up. He is now sans mask, but has the tophat and glasses on. It is very obviously the Joker.]

I’M BACK, BABYDOLLS! That’s right, your dear old Uncle J is feelin’ like himself again. AHAHAHAHA. Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy. You can feel the excitement and laughter in the air. I mean, just look how thrilled my guests are!

[The camera pans to show the people he’s kidnapped. Mai, looking like a human pincushion with all the knives stuck in her but just barely alive. What’s left of the very dead Misty Knight, beaten to a literal pulp with her own robotic arm. The lovely Caprica, also very obviously dead. Bennett, Zuko, Melee, Laurie, Vesper and what used to be Darkdevil. They all look very, very worse for wear.

The shot also reveals they’re all in a rather large warehouse filled with exotic cars and some henchmen.]

And like all parties, it’s time to end this baby with a bang! I gotta tell ya, I love the smell of gasoline! Ooohahahaha. Come on, boys, it’s cash and blow for all of you and then we’re gonna burn this popsicle stand.

[The Joker moves over and gives one of the victims, Vesper, a big kiss before stepping away and heading out of the building, his goons following behind. When he reaches the door he strikes a match and tosses it over his shoulder, the room erupting in flames.]

Ta ta for now, City! See you all again real soon. Hahahahahahaha.

[ooc: The torture log is still ongoing, but here is the reveal. A few heroes are already signed up to assist with the rescue, but more are welcome to join in. The Joker and his guys will be long gone by the time anyone gets there, but feel free to rush into the inferno to save those left alive.]

† n/a | the joker

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