Nothing says "Fun Vacation Getaway" quite like getting sucked up into an international investigation/being accused of causing the very thing you were trying to stop.
Anybody in the market for getting belated birthday gifts feel free to pick me up a copy of The Superhero's Guide to Politics and Dealing with this Crap. If it exists. If it doesn't-- why doesn't it? I haven't felt this newbish in like a year.
Hopefully that's all over, though. And now I can deal with the whole College is Hella Expensive thing. I know a lot of people here got, like, bottomless pockets? But I am not one of them. I am totally for the ImPort College Fund. Sign me up.
This is me overusing capital letters today. Next entry will probably be ALL CAPS.
[private to ABBY]
Sorry that took so long. What's up?
[private to RED ROBIN]
Can we talk?
[private to NICO]
[private to MARK]
Thanks again. Really. It was good to have people I knew around.
[private to PHOENIX]
Tell me you haven't already had lunch yet.