[voice / english]

May 25, 2010 01:23

[The voice coming out of your speakers is low and seething with rage, with a faintly nasal tint to certain of the vowel sounds. Whoever it may be, their English is somewhat broken, and is being spoken at a slow, steady pace--as though the being behind the words naturally expects you to stay put and listen to what he has to say. And really, in this case? It might be a good idea to do just that.]

Humans. Always am play with nature, make new weapons. Not can behave.

Got to live only what time is given, for life. About metal self--humans name Kiryu--this, Mothra say. This, I learn too.

Am dead, before. But now-times, you bring back me.

[Thick, disapproving rumble, and a sharp crackling in the background that may be familiar to certain people.]

Is only one mistake City am allowed make.

† godzilla | king

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