May 25, 2010 00:27

[The video clicks on to show Shiro's hands; you can tell cause they're white as a sheet and each finger is tipped in a sharp black nail. He's got a few rings and bracelets and other doodads on. The camera then points at his face. He looks a little pissed]

Oi. I found tha damn Lincoln Memorial, finally. But as I suspected, those other fuckers got here before me. The backup disc is gone, an' it looks like there was a big fight round here. [he hisses and shows teeth] That means I don't get my fucking money! Or my new powers! Fuck this!

[a short pause.] Oh yeah.

[ He then turns the camera at a rather mangled body. But by the look of the blood-stained blonde hair arranged in a variety of small braids... it's that little thief, Rikku. She looks like she got between a bear and it's lunch or something. Shiro then turns the camera back on his face. He is nonchalant]

This bitch there?

She's dead.

I've had enough sightseeing. Time ta head back to the City.


[[IMPORTANT OOC NOTE! The events leading up to Rikku dying have actually NOT been logged yet! So I'm being sort of vague on purpose. I AM ALSO THE CAPTAIN OF THE U.S.S. MAKE-SHIT-UP, so I'm sorry if any of the information I'm giving through this post is conflicty!]]

† shirosaki hichigo | n/a

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