20th Insane Speech // Voice // Viewable to Coalition members

Mar 07, 2010 19:12


Hello there, you fascinating people! If this is my first time addressing you, than I apologize profusely for being so forward. I am the Major, and I would like to make an offer to you. A great and exciting offer! You are receiving this message because you have come to the attention of a certain select group of exceptional individuals. While our interests, histories, and methods may vary greatly, we all have in common our exceptional natures, along with the fact that our objectives and passions happen to be at odds with what the authorities in this City consider to be 'law' or 'morality' or 'sanity.'

The group I speak of my friends exists for the sake of overcoming those odds, so that our works may continue to unfold. We accomplish this through careful cooperation, the sharing of information and resources, as well as mutual protection, all- and I cannot possibly stress this enough, my friends- under the veil of the strictest and most absolute secrecy. Simply by receiving this message, you are being inducted into the small and exalted circle of individuals who are even aware that this arrangement exists. Any breach of this shield of secrecy threatens the very existence of this arrangement, which has been extremely profitable and helpful to us for the better part of a year now. Such threats must and will be dealt with swiftly and decisively. However, I have no doubt that they will not arise! You would not be hearing this communication if it had not already been determined that you were individuals capable of intelligence and discretion.

So, please let me know what your response is! I assure you, I am simply giddy with the anticipation of seeing who will join us! I am certain that we will accomplish great, no, magnificent things together. I look forward to working with you, my friends.

[ooc: posted with permission from RW, let me know if I missed anyone who was going to be invited. Assume that the Major knows who to invite thanks to Slade passing on information he's gained through his simultaneous stalking of everything ever. Current Coalition roster is here for reference.]

n/a | the major

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