1.4 - [ video ]

Oct 25, 2009 00:58

[ a small Asian reporter in a powder-blue suit and coat is hunched over her mic, talking loudly to be heard over the wind. She's on the scene: near Oscorp, amid the rubble, with the sounds of the battle of titans in the background. The Hulk can be heard over everything, his bellowing cutting the rest of the carnage.


If he sounds more grammatically correct than usual, don't worry. It's not just you.

The reporter tugs at her flyaway hair, eyes large and fearful. ]

We interrupt tonight's broadcast to bring you this breaking news. The superhuman monster codename "The Hulk" is on rampage in the the East downtown side, near 57th and Lexington. The hero group, the Avengers, funded and headed by Norman Osborn, have been dispatched, but--- [ there is a deafening explosion and the sound of someone screaming; she ducks, twisting to look behind her. ] ---oh my god, was that---Andy, zoom in, did you catch that? Did you see that? Oh my god!

[ the big green monster himself lands not far from the camera crew, hunched over and screaming Norman's name. He has something metallic and broken in his massive fist; The American Son's body is mostly obscured, but the armor is unmistakable. The Hulk's nostrils flare and he looks up at a rapidly approaching second armored form ]


[ all of a sudden, the Hulk seizes up. His eyes roll back and he crashes to the ground. The Wasp works herself out of his nose and regains her usual size ]

[ the Iron Patriot hovers in the sky, for a moment unmoving. After Wasp has left the Hulk behind, Norman hovers for just another moment -- then swoops down in a sudden and quick movement, repulser charging up in his armored glove. He delivers a heavy hit to the Hulk's body, followed by several more, beams flaring, before it's very clear the Hulk won't be getting back up again. Norman stands again, and there's a cry of "Harry!" as he goes over to his son's body. ]

[ the Iron Patriot takes off his helmet in order to address the camera. His face is solemn, and it appears to be with great effort he speaks to the camera at all. He rubs the bridge of his nose and takes a breath, blue eyes turning to address the viewers. ]

If there's any good news about this situation, it's that there were not more casualties. We can thank the Avengers' quick response time; the situation has been successfully neutralized. Exactly what set him off is unclear even to me, but the Hulk is no longer a danger; he won't be causing any more harm to anyone. The damages, of course, will be taken care of.

[ he turns from the camera, replacing his helmet and walking over towards the rubble and the rest of the team. ]

[ ooc: this reel of the evening news was programmed by Bruce to broadcast on the Network via his communicator. He went into a fight with Osborn and lost but wanted everyone to catch what happened---just in case. Your reactions go here! more info shortly ]

norman osborn | the green goblin, † bruce banner | hulk

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