
Oct 12, 2009 00:33

[The recording starts. The man's voice sounds a bit distraught, but kindly. Elderly, with a slight accent that sounds almost European, if he were in fact from the Earth]

It seems as if I have inadvertently ended up here. I'm still not sure of my surroundings...or anything, really. Then again, I only really know about where I'm from - politicians are like that, and I suppose I had a decent career for myself back where I was from. However, spending all my time on that has left me horrendously unprepared for this...situation.

Now if this place is anything like my own, then I know that you most likely have an inherent distrust for politicians (with good reason; I know many who lied and cheated their way into positions of power that they were unfit for), but I hope I can appeal to your sense of charity. I'm an old man, lost far from home, and if anyone would be so kind as to give me a little assistance, I'm sure I can repay the favor eventually - I'm a man of my word (as hard as that is to believe coming from one in my profession).

And I hope you don't mind me asking, but...did I really see someone flying? Remarkable...I am rather curious about the type of people who live here as well. Any help that you could assist me with, I would be most grateful for.

[The recording clicks off.]

† palpatine | darth sidious

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