001 ☢ the new scene; video.

Sep 24, 2009 15:07

[ When the camera clicks on, it takes a moment to focus on the face of a young man. He’s handsomely nondescript, but with sad, tired-looking eyes. As the view jostles back and forth it’s clear that he’s probably still near the Porter room - the corridor that he’s in is clean lines and white metal. His shoulders are hunched as he talks to the camera, huddling over it almost like he’s trying to keep a secret. ]

Coat, is this-- [ He winces at the sound of his own voice reverberating loudly in the hallway around him. He drops the volume down to an insistent whisper. ] --is this another scene? Because I don’t know where you got this from, but it’s not really what we usually do and it would have been nice if you’d-- [ He cuts himself off again and then looks up sharply from the camera, his attention moving from side to side, like he’s looking for something. He mutters under his breath: “Maybe it’s…” and then quickly straightens himself up, raising the camera and squaring his shoulders a bit more confidently. ]

Patriot? Are you watching? Because if this is your idea of a test, then-- [ He shakes his head in disagreement, seemingly adamant for a moment, but bordering on annoyed. ] Listen. Just because somebody has powers doesn’t make them a hero. Neither does using them. And it’s not something you push on somebody, like a set of tags. They have to choose it for themselves.

And even then, it doesn’t come easy. As if anything ever does.

I get all this. You guys didn’t have to go to all this trouble just to make your point, okay? I’m reading you loud and clear. [ Some of his resolve visibly wilts. He looks up again, seeming a little bit lost, and then says in a voice that’s barely audible: ] Just wish I knew what I had to do to make you believe me…

† christopher | melter

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