1.0 - [ voice ]

Sep 07, 2009 22:42

...she's such a good girl. Smart, too. I'm...

[ a deep breath, held before exhaled shakily ]

...glad. Glad that she's here, glad that she remembers to make me eat. Eight pounds in two months. S'why it took two bottles.

Such a good girl. Good worker...smart. She calls it phasing, but that's...isn't right. Spintronics, maybe. Thought she transformed into free energy first, but...makes more sense. GMR makes more sense. With all that empty space between particles at that level, the particles wouldn't get close enough to became....mmn...ensnared, so she could just...slide. Slippery. [ he hiccups ]

Coordinated magnetic fields, maybe? M'not sure.

Don't like her taste in men, though. Not at all. If anyone hurts her...so help me. Jen, too. Jesus, Jen.

[ he pauses for a long time, breathing slowly and evenly ]

Such a change from home. They want me to be a good man.

Not sure if I can.

[ooc: guess who has been drinking again? That's right, it's drunken science babble with Banner, once again ]

† bruce banner | hulk

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