[Decepticon channel incl. Slipstream and Skyfire]
Decepticons - I am pleased to announce that I have succeeded in purchasing the apartment adjacent to our own. We now have considerable extra space. You are all hereby invited to take advantage - when the renovations are finished we should have enough space for everyone to have their own private quarters.
That said... The renovations are taking place this weekend. As such, those who currently live in the apartment may wish to vacate the space until Monday. I shall be on had to let the workers in, but I shall then be leaving and... probably spending the night in the employee lounge at Dancitron.
[private to Kiryu]
Kiryu. I have an... odd question.
Do you... no, not the right way to phrase... Hnn.
How do you feel about being human? An odd question I am aware, but...
[private/encrypted to Warren Worthington] ... Are you recovered...? What is our next step concerning Hodge?
... well, all anyone ever seems to do here is whine and ask for help, and who am I to defy tradition? Ha. Ha.
Anyway. What does one do about chronic nightmares and insomnia? My research is... not helpful.