Fanart: Domestic (complete)

Nov 07, 2010 00:07

Title: Domestic
Artist: Capaow
Fandom: Sherlock [BBC]
Pairing/Characters: John/Sherlock
Rating: G
Warnings: Implied marriage and adoption I guess... Also it's unfinished.
Disclaimer: I didn't come up with these characters. I'm not that clever.

Our Family Portrait )

sherlock/john, john watson, sherlock holmes, fanart, bbc

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Comments 26

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capaow November 8 2010, 01:51:16 UTC
Aw. Thanks so much. ♥


lelek November 7 2010, 08:45:34 UTC
Okay, I just melted a little bit. And now I want a fic to go with it. Which I might have to write myself, if one doesn't appear.


myszata November 7 2010, 23:08:57 UTC
Write, write, write! pls!


capaow November 8 2010, 01:52:04 UTC
I've been dying for more of the domestic.
I can't get enough of it.


lelek November 8 2010, 08:19:43 UTC
I sort of impromptu RP'd it a bit with my RP partner and I think it has to happen now. Sherlock would totally be that asshole who's like "my kid's better than yours" about EVERYTHING. "It took your kid until they were THREE to do that? Ha, my son did it by TWO." And John would try and fail to instill in him the rule that you don't insult other people's kids. Not to their faces, anyway.

John: How would you feel if they said that about our kid?
Sherlock: They would be wrong.

Oh man, and the arguments over what is and is not an appropriate outing for a child. Sherlock intimidating the hell out of the schools and bitching all the time about how pointless it is. UNCLE MYCROFT. Epic.


k_magique November 7 2010, 09:14:42 UTC
This is adorable! Especially that baby with its tiny fist and its ear and the way John's cupping the back of its head, awww ♥!
And Sherlock's eye is lovely. YOU'RE SO GOOD AT THE TINY DETAILS.

I bet as the baby grows up John will try to make his life all structured and ~normal~ and Sherlock will just keep getting in the way. BUT SHERLOCK WILL HAVE RULES TOO, EXCEPT THEY'LL BASICALLY BE "DO W/E YOU WANT AS LONG AS YOU STAY OUT OF MY EXPERIMENTS," AND IT'LL PISS OFF JOHN BECAUSE SHERLOCK WILL JUST LET THE KID DO STUFF THAT JOHN SPECIFICALLY SAID HE COULDN'T DO. And he'll try to sneakily drag the kid along on cases and set him on corpses to learn Sherlock's methods of deduction and QUIZ him about how the person died, and when John shows up he'll be all, "WTF IS OUR KID DOING HERE, SHERLOCK, YOU ARE TRAUMATISING HIM," and Sherlock will scoff and be like, "DON'T BE STUPID, JOHN, HOW IS THIS TRAUMATISING?" and there's a silence while everyone there wonders how the hell someone like SHERLOCK was allowed to adopt. :DDDDD


capaow November 8 2010, 01:57:38 UTC
Glad you like it, hun! :D
Means so much. ♥

That is EXACTLY how I could picture their family to be like.
Sherlock would definitely bring their kid along in crime scenes and test him. John's always the considerate one. Trying to raise their child to be 'normal.' Poor him though.
Nothing will ever be normal with Sherlock.
You'd think he'd figure that out by now.
But it's okay. He likes the excitement anyways.
That and Mrs. Hudson is probably too busy boasting off to Mrs. Turner to babysit. So Junior would have to come along anyways.
That or have Molly babysit.



k_magique November 8 2010, 05:15:56 UTC
np ♥

Haha poor John! He'd probs get phone calls while he's at work all the time from their kid's teacher being all, "Uh, just checking if he's sick or if it was Mr Holmes' turn to bring him to school...because he isn't here," and John would text Sherlock, like, what the hell, sherlock, get him to school already but Sherlock would text back saying, his teacher is an idiot. there is no point filling his hard drive with that nonsense, he's better off with me. SH and John would just DESPAIR.

Hahaha oh Mrs Hudson! I bet every now and then she'd offer to babysit so John and Sherlock can have some ~*alone time*~ and take the kid to show him off to Mrs Turner, lol.
BUT, LOL, MYCROFT AND HARRY WOULD BE THE WORST BABYSITTERS EVER. Harry would, like, show up stinking of booze or something and John would be all DDDD: but Sherlock would be so impatient to go off chasing a criminal that he wouldn't care.



capaow November 8 2010, 05:40:21 UTC
As always, I love that brilliant brain of yours. ♥
Because Sherlock saying that the teacher is an idiot and no point in filling his hard drive with useless information is EXACTLY HOW IT WILL BE LIKE.
That poor nameless child~

You know Mrs. Hudson HAS to show off the kid to Mrs. Turner.
Just HAS to rub it in her face.

I can imagine it. Mycroft and Harry sitting down with the child and asking him/her who's their favorite auntie/uncle. I think that'd be cute.
But yes. Harry. Definitely a no.
Mycroft would probably forget that the baby was there.
And Sherlock would drag the baby along to show off how much of a genius he is. I mean look. He's barely even a year old and he can already read!


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capaow November 8 2010, 01:57:57 UTC
Thank you! ♥


lemmesay November 7 2010, 12:10:52 UTC
AWWW, the baby..♥
Seriously. This fandom will kill me with all the cuteness one day. You are all so awesome and tallented!


capaow November 8 2010, 01:58:38 UTC
Thanks so very much. ♥
I do love this fandom. It makes me melt with all the cute.


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