What is a Reverse Big Bang?
A Reverse Big Bang is literally that: a reverse of the Big Bang challenge. The participating artists create a piece of art, which is posted anonymously for authors to view and claim. The authors will then write a fic based on the art they chose.
Which characters and pairings are eligible?
This challenge is open to all genres and all pairings or can be Gen, as long as one of the central characters is from the Captain America canons, whether that’s Marvel comic book canon or the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Crossovers are not permitted as we cannot guarantee you will find an author who is familiar with the non-Cap fandom. Because this challenge is open to and inclusive of all the Captain America characters and ships, we would like to remind all participants that absolutely no shipshaming or kinkshaming will be tolerated. Please respect each other and the all-inclusive tone of the challenge.
What’s the 2017 Schedule?
Mon January 9th: Artist and Author sign-ups open
Sun January 29th: Artist sign-ups close 11:59PM PST
What time is that for me?Sat February 25th: Art drafts are due
Wed March 1st: Art drafts available for preview
Sat March 4th: Author sign-ups close 6PM PST
Sat March 4th: Claims open 9PM PST (will remain open until all art pieces are claimed)
What time is that for me?Sat April 1st: Check-in for all participants
Sat Apr 29th: Mandatory Author check-in
Sat May 20th: Stories due
Mon May 29th: Posting begins
How do I sign up?
Sign-up posts featuring a Google form will be posted on Monday January 9th 2017. You can sign up using your Tumblr, Twitter, LJ, DW or AO3 account, or any other platform you prefer, as long as we have a profile url and an email address to contact you on.
There will be a separate form for Artists and Authors, as well as another for anyone willing to Pinch-hit in case an author drops out part way through the challenge. Author sign-ups will remain open until the Claims Post goes live on March 4th. Pinch-hitter sign-ups will not close. You do not have to sign up as a participant in the challenge to become a pinch-hitter. The sign-up form is so that the mods know who’s interested in pinch-hitting and so we know how to contact you in case we need your help in future.
Rules for Artists
Art encompasses (but is not limited to) drawn or painted artwork (both traditional and digital), comics, digital manips and fanvids. Craft is welcome as long as the final piece can be photographed and submitted to us via email as an image. If you have an unconventional idea for your artwork, please email the mods at capreversebb at gmail dot com to discuss.
Artists may submit up to two separate pieces of art for this challenge to be claimed separately by two different authors.
Artists, think about creating something to inspire a writer. Is there an AU or a headcanon you’d love to see explored? Give your author as much information as you can in your art to capture their imagination. Just as with a Big Bang when authors try to make their summary as enticing to artists as possible, you have the opportunity to inspire a writer with your idea and to have them write a fic specifically for the art you create.
Art submission info
Submitted art files must be at least 400 by 600 pixels in size. Fanvids must be at least one minute in length.
Art submissions must be emailed to the mods at capreversebb at gmail dot com by Saturday February 25th. Submitted artwork should be at least 75% done or the finished product (art is to be completed before the posting date), with enough detail that authors can clearly make out what’s going on in your picture. You will be asked to prepare a brief blurb to accompany the art (eg: art rating (G / PG / M / NC-17), highest rating wanted from fic, suggested pairings and other optional details) to enable to authors to make an informed choice.
How will art claims work?
Art will be posted anonymously to a Members Only, View Only locked presentation document. Each piece will be numbered and accompanied by additional information supplied by artists so authors will have plenty of time to peruse and choose their preferences.
Art Claims will open on Saturday March 4th at 9PM PST.
Information about how to claim will be posted closer to that time.
Rules for Authors
After claiming takes place, authors will have approximately 10 weeks to write a story with a minimum of 5,000 words. The fic must be original and related to the claimed art for which it is written.
Once claims are finished, collaboration between artist and author is encouraged. There is no obligation for your artist to create additional art unless they wish to. Please work closely with your artist to talk through interpretations of the artwork. Keep in mind that elements in the artwork need to be present in your story. If there is a pairing specifically shown or suggested, then that is the pairing you are claiming and promising to write for. We also encourage you to discuss any squicks before you start writing and respect each other’s Do Not Wants.
NB: Art pieces created for this challenge are NOT TO BE POSTED ANYWHERE ELSE before story posting takes place.
How will posting work?
Some time after the April 29th mandatory check-in, a post will go up asking author/artist teams to nominate their preferred posting dates. The mods will then prepare a schedule of assigned posting dates. Each team of author/artist will be required to post on their assigned date to the platform of their choice. Each team will also be required to post a masterpost of their collaboration, including a summary and links to wherever they’ve posted their work. Each post will be
blogged here to give each team the maximum pimp exposure we can give on their day of posting. An AO3 collection will be available for teams to add their work to and a Masterpost will be posted here.
More information about sign-ups, art submissions, art claims and posting will be made available closer to the appropriate time.
Any questions or issues can be addressed to the mods at capreversebb at gmail dot com or by sending us a PM here, or an
Ask on Tumblr.
Happy New Year everyone, we can’t wait to see you in the sign-ups!
~The Mods