Patrick's Point State Park - Sun, 18 Oct 2020. 12:30pm.
trawling Agate Beach at Patrick's Point State Park for, well... agates, we regrouped and went for a hike along the ocean cliffs. By "regrouped" I mean we deposited several pounds of rocks we'd gathered in the car rather than continue to carry them in our hiking bags. 😂
To me the standout feature of Patrick's Point- aside from Agate Beach- is Wedding Rock.
This photo shows Wedding Rock from Patrick's Point. That's the best view to appreciate the size of Wedding Rock... and its isolation, too, extending out into the ocean with only a thin neck of land connecting it to the cliffs.
We hiked out that neck and climbed a few switchbacks to various vista points near the summit. We didn't climb to the summit itself as doing so requires scrambling about 20' up steep rocks and is against park rules- though if you look carefully in the photo above you can see a fellow visitor has done exactly that.
I more enjoyed the view from down below Wedding Rock. Another narrow trail zig-zags down near the water. There's no beach here; just rocks that the ocean pounds mercilessly against. It's something to behold its relentless rage.