A month ago
I bought myself an iPad. It was on a good sale and was within my toys budget so I bought it even though I've reasoned for many years that
a tablet is a digital third wheel. I figured I might as well give it a try. (Plus, okay, there was a bit of retail therapy in there during a week when I felt blue for no particular reason.)
So, now it's a month later. What's the truth of it- is the iPad a trusty tool I use every day, or is it like an awkward "third wheel" on a date?
Sadly, my iPad so far is that unhelpful third wheel. Most of the time it sits by my desk gathering dust. The one situation where I've really used it & enjoyed it was flying to/from Australia. Using my iPad to watch inflight movies and play games was way better than doing the same on my iPhone. The bigger screen absolutely rocked. But the rest of the time in my day-to-day life I'm fine with the smaller screen and pocketability of my iPhone.