This weekend has been another (mostly) stay-home weekend. Yes, another- which makes it now seven weekends in a row that we haven't gone anywhere out of town! That's a lot of weekends to spend without setting foot in an airport or at least driving hundreds of miles in a car.
While we didn't go far we didn't literally stay in our home. Today (Sunday) we got out for a hike
like last weekend. This time we visited the Sunnyvale Baylands Park just a few miles away. It was not the ideal time of year to visit that park. Reasons will become clear when I post a separate blog about it with pictures. But it was good to get out and about, and walking along the levees and sloughs was a nice change of scenery.
Outside of today's hike it was mostly a taking-it-easy weekend for us. Friday night was
D&D, which I enjoyed. Saturday was our real sit-like-slugs day. I don't even remember what we did aside from go out for lunch, do a few light shopping errands, play a few rounds of a favorite boardgame, and otherwise loaf around the house.
I remain surprised at how much I've enjoyed this streak of 7 weekends at home. Seven weeks ago I expected I'd be wanting to travel again in 2-3 weeks, maybe 4, tops. What changed? It's all because I've been busy with work. I've had a few work trips in that period, and each week I've been pretty busy with work. I've been so go-go-go at work it's felt good to slow down and relax on weekends.
Well, the streak ends here, at seven. Next weekend will be a travel weekend. We're heading out to spend Thanksgiving week visiting relatives and friends on the east coast. We're on a red-eye Friday night with plans to see people and do things all day Saturday and Sunday. That'll be a change of pace from these weekends of taking it easy!