West Virginia Travelog #20 / North Carolina Travelog #1
Brevard, NC - Tue, 19 Sep 2023. 11:30pm
Whew, it's been a long day. We wrapped up our visit to West Virginia... with
a bridge,
surprise waterfalls, and
more waterfalls... and then journeyed to Brevard, NC, to begin the second half of our 9 day trip. In total today we drove a whopping 387 miles through 4 states... eclipsing by one mile
yesterday's driving of 386 miles!
We arrived at the Hampton Inn, our home for the next 5 days, to find pictures of waterfalls everywhere. There were pics of waterfalls in the lobby, in the hall, and at the front desk. Hey, this is our kind of place!
When I asked the gal at the front desk about one of the pictures, she not only knew which falls it was but (a) told us how to get there, (b) suggested another waterfall nearby, and (c) gave us a booklet of area waterfalls. This is our kind of place!
Then, as we headed up to our room, we found another waterfall pic in the elevator, one in the hall near our room, and one in our room... in the bathroom! 🤣
This is our kind of place.