This morning I'm at the airport. 4:45am alarm, rolling from home by 5:30, through security at 6am, now awaiting my 7am departure. I'm headed to Phoenix for the day to meet with a major customer.
On the one hand I'm like, "Yay! Meeting a customer!" In the past 12 months I've been to a few company internal meetings and staffed a few trade shows but I've only had, I think, two f2f meetings with actual customers. I yearn for the clearer communication and tighter relationships that come from meeting in person instead of via teleconference.
Yet at the same time I'm also thinking, "Ugh. Travel." Especially this out-and-back day trip to Phoenix. Getting up at oh-dark-45 is not fun. And tonight I won't be home until sometime after 8pm. Don't get me wrong; business travel does have its exhilarating aspects. Mostly it's the better communications stuff I mentioned above. Early mornings and long days are not the fun part.
Oh, and then there's this fun part: 115° F. That's the forecast high for today in Phoenix, 115 degrees (46° C). I switched my usual business attire from a staid shirt and sport coat to a lightweight, short sleeve shirt. I trust anybody who's not currently dying of heat prostration will understand. 🥵
Keep reading:
Back at the Airport in the Afternoon