Mississippi Travelog #7
En route to New Orleans - Thursday, 26 Apr 2023, 2pm
We had an amazing hike at Red Bluff today in Mississippi. "Where's the blog with beautiful pictures?" you may ask. It's in my backlog. The workflow for those beautiful pictures takes more time than I have some days while still in the middle of a trip. Rather than let the whole blog series get jammed up behind them, I'm trying an approach on this trip of just working around them & posting them when I can, later. So, for now, just take my word that Red Bluff Canyon was stupendous, way better than we were expecting.
Update: Don't just take my word for it, I've now posted
journal entries with pictures of the amazing Red Bluff.
So, what's next? Completing our jaunt through Mississippi is what's next. Here's a map showing what we've done between yesterday and today: