Yesterday afternoon I replaced two tires on our convertible. They'd burst when Hawk hit a bad pothole while driving on I-880 Monday. The tires are run-flats so she got to work and back home okay, but by Monday night the front tire especially looked low enough that we agreed not to drive the car further. That meant
I got to stay home for lunch for a few days. It also meant when our replacement tires were ready on Friday I called AAA for a tow.
The local tow service AAA contracts out to in this area is awesome. The drivers are always courteous and skilled, and they arrive fast. I didn't care so much about waiting 10 minutes vs. 45 on Friday evening because I was home, but that difference is huge when you're
sitting in a parking lot or on the side of a road.
Well, getting two tires replaced was relatively drama free... other than all the time it took. And it definitely wasn't cost free. Two tires with all the associated fees and taxes set us back over $650.