i hate loofus + meme

Dec 11, 2008 22:30

i will explain what the hell i mean under the cut, i dont want to spoil anything for anyone :\

don't touch me, whore )

meme, gossip girl

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Comments 6

lellie_mo December 11 2008, 23:01:35 UTC
So many of those songs are lover-ly.

And you make me giggle to much.

The end =)



cantstopdreamin December 11 2008, 23:03:46 UTC
hehe im gladdio. and its kind of embarassing, a load of disney songs came up.. well, like 4 haha.and i only have one album of disney songs!! soi dont look very hardcore. but heyy im not. hehe



tornintopiecesx December 11 2008, 23:01:40 UTC
Lily and Rufus suck. Have you heard about the spinoff with them as teenagers? WORST IDEA EVER.

Oh Hanners. As much I love Blair/Nate in the books, BC will always be epic. Did you at least think Ed/Leighton were FANTASTIC this ep?

And Cyrus, Elenor and Blair are awesome. AARON IS SO SKETCHY. I HATE HIM.

Aww! Thats such a fun meme! I love love love your number 21 ;]


cantstopdreamin December 11 2008, 23:06:42 UTC
i have heard. IT SOUNDS AWFUL. i thought this might be a great excuse to get jenny/vanessa off my screen haha.

and yeah i thought e/l did aweeesome. i really likd the i love you scene and the last one for their acting, and they were quite cute, and ed looked hottt. but i dont know. maybe if i watched the eps next to each other i might fel differently, but they just seem to be moving sooo slowwlyy. i mean, varts not coldin the ground and lilys shacking up with roof. but blair and chuck are taking foreevverrr!

lovee youuu!


krystalgamer December 24 2008, 18:08:27 UTC
IA. Lily and Roofus make me gahhh. Like seriouslyy, Lily? And they killed my beloved Bart...-tear-

I LOVE CYRUS SO MUCH! I feel like the Waldorfs needed a...humane...person in their family. And Dorota was adorably excited.

And I loved Blair and Chuck in this episode, but like...they need to get a move on and just be together. The previews for next epi look sooo good though, ohmigod.



cantstopdreamin December 24 2008, 18:22:13 UTC
eee i agree with totally everything you said!

air traffic = loove! as are the new waldorf family :]


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