posting tutorial: rich text editor/html & lj-cuts

Mar 17, 2011 00:29

Hey there.

If you're reading this, you're a member of one of my comms. Which is neat! So to keep everything as clutter-free as possible, I've created a photo tutorial on how to do LJ-cuts so that cuts are accessible to everyone! How nifty and fantastic is that? It seems to me that a lot of people are only using the Rich Text editor, so I've even gone so far as to screenshot the process step-by-step so that everyone can follow along.

Here is a quick copy/paste textbox for those who like to simply fill in the blanks. This is for the HTML EDITOR only. It will not work in Rich Text.


Any other links you have go here.">Name of link

To make a masterpost, simply make an entry in your own journal and copy and paste the links to all your chapters into the entry like so:" >Name of chapter">Name of chapter">Name of chapter
http://your link">Name of chapter

And now, without further ado... the photo tutorial!

HTML Tutorial:

Notes: I've used the simplest tags possible since LJ usually accepts the spacing without too much difficulty as long as you don't copy-and-paste your entry from Microsoft Word into the Rich Text editor before switching it to HTML view. I will probably do subsequent entries regarding HTML tags and other fun things, but after reading the mod posts and comments on All Time Slash, I decided to take a proactive stance on LJ-cuts and make it really easy for you guys to find out how to do them.

RICH TEXT Tutorial

1. This is more or less what your post will look like before you do any of the formatting stuff I'm about to show you. Consider this your starting point. Please note that I've put my "story text" in the box before attempting to do the LJ-cut. This is very important, and probably a huge reason why cuts using the Rich Text Editor go wrong!

2. Now you are going to highlight your story text, as I have illustrated above. Please note that you are only highlighting your story text. Do not highlight anything else. I repeat, you are only highlighting your actual story!

3. Now you are going to click on the box in the text toolbar that is highlighted in blue. Please note that it is the only box on the toolbar highlighted in blue. You are now going to click it. Are you clicking it? Click it.

3a. You will see that I've zoomed in and circled the appropriate button to click in red. If you haven't clicked, click it now.

3b. This dialog box is going to pop up. As you can see, it is asking you what you want your cut text to say. You can put anything you want in this box. Be creative!

4. As you can see, your text is now highlighted in grey. Do not worry! This is supposed to happen. What this means is that you've done the cut properly! Congratulations!

5. If you want it to display your username properly, all you need to do is highlight it and then click the button highlighted in blue that looks suspiciously like the little LJ username icon man. Click it. Click it now.

5a. As you can see, it is that button. Go ahead, click it.

5b. Now look! Your username is displayed all fancy-like and the little icon man has appeared!

6a. This is what it will look like before you go to add your masterpost link.

6b. You are now going to highlight the text you want to make into a link.

6ci. See the button highlighted in blue? The one with a picture of the world and then a paperclip on it? That's the hyperlink button. Click it!

6cii. See it? It's right there in the red circle. I know you can see it. Click on it. Do it now.

6d. Now this box is going to pop up and you're going to paste your link into the box. It's okay. The box will not hurt you.

6e. This is what it should look like once you have made your link.

The finished product...


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