Just Feel, Part 1/1

Jun 13, 2008 03:05

Title: Just Feel
Author: radiantbaby
Characters/Pairings: Ten/Jamie, with allusions to Ten/Martha if you squint
Word Count: 2244 [in Word]
Genre: Multi-Era, Angst, Slash, Smutty Romance
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: S6 “The War Games”
Summary: Ten and Martha arrive just after the Battle of Culloden to heal an injured Jamie, but other wounds are healed as Ten and Jamie spend the night together.
Beta: The uber-wonderful persiflage_1!
Disclaimer: All your Doctor Who are belong to us Sadly, I own nothing related to Doctor Who et al. I am just playing around in their sandbox for a bit of fun.
Author Notes: This is a piece for Rare Ships Month from the who_otp community. Oddly enough, though I signed up for the pairing and love it, this is the first fic I’ve ever written for them (I’m still trying to get Jamie’s voice down). I hope that it sounds all right. Thanks so much as always to the magnificent persiflage_1 who beta’d this piece! Any other mistakes are all mine. Feedback is happy-making, so please leave a word or two [even if I am a bit slack in responding, your comments always make my day].


Battle of Culloden, 1746

A dark shadow began to loom over him and as he lay on the ground, a strange sound filled the air - a sound that at once seemed so familiar and yet so frighteningly unfamiliar. He lifted his head slightly, trying to focus on the sound - for a moment wondering if it might be the carrion wing-beats and croaks of the Morrigan to claim his body from the battle - but soon dropped his head back to muddied grass, the whooshing of blood in his ears making the sound too hard to truly discern.

He then began to hear voices, echoing around him as the moon rose in the sky, and soon two more shadows crossed him.

“Over here,” one voice said, a shadow dipping down to him to reveal the face of a man. His hair was brown and disheveled and his eyes seemed as old as the stars.

“Jamie,” the man whispered softly, reaching down to caress his cheek tenderly. Suddenly, he felt an overwhelming calm sweep through his limbs, a sense of ease soothing him from those ancient-looking eyes - eyes that seemed as if they were from a dream he’d had so many times, dreams that were always forgotten once morning came…

Another shadow dipped down, flanking his other side, this one revealing the face of a woman. She had beautiful dark skin and the most piercing and intense eyes that - as they focused on him - softened in the low light of the evening, shining with concern for him.

“Are you an angel?” Jamie whispered to her in wonder, feeling foolish, yet also feeling somewhat overwhelmed, as he’d never seen a woman quite like her before.

She smiled softly and the man on his other side laughed, the sound striking him as something that was again so very familiar, but just on the grasp of his knowing.

“We’re here to help, Jamie,” he said, still caressing his cheek, a wide smile on his face.

“Where are you hurting, Jamie?” the woman asked him sweetly, looking over his bloodied body.

“My leg, they got my leg,” he replied, gesturing to his left leg, wincing in pain as he shifted on the ground.

The woman began to inspect the deep gash on his thigh, opening a bag by her side to pull out strange instruments. Jamie stared at them in wonderment, but then felt the man’s fingers slip down to his chin to pull his eyes up to look at him and not at what she was doing.

“Just look at me, Jamie,” he caressed his chin with his thumb, “we’re going to make this as painless as possible, but I need you to focus on me for that.”

Jamie felt a sudden sharp sensation in his leg, causing tears to arise in his eyes, despite trying to hold them back. He gasped, but the man held him down with his free arm, soothing him with soft murmurs and caresses.

“Am I going to die?”

“Not today, Jamie, not today.”

The woman bandaged his leg and as she worked her fingertips’ light caresses on his thigh began to arouse him. His cock began to press against the coarse fabric of his kilt, lifting it slightly as the night air began to caress his flesh too. He felt his face reddening as his groin tightened, willing his response to ease off.

She stood up a moment later and the man joined her. Jamie reached upward at them, like a child, suddenly afraid of being left alone in the dark of the night.

“They just abandoned him here?” he could hear the woman whisper. “They left him for dead,” the man said solemnly. “The medicine I gave him should kick in very soon and he should be all right come morning,” she whispered. “Let me stay with him. I don’t want to leave him alone as he heals,” the man’s voice spoke, breaking with emotion that surprised Jamie. “I know you need this, come and get me if you need me,” she whispered and he could see the two figures embrace in the faint light of the Moon, kissing softly upon their lips - Jamie wondered for a moment if angels usually kissed - before the woman walked away into the darkness, disappearing as easily as she’d arrived.


“The pain will pass, Jamie,” the mysterious man whispered as he sat back down next to him. He’d taken off his strange cloak and balled it up to push beneath his head for him to rest more comfortably. “Is there anything else I can do for you now?”

“Aye,” Jamie swallowed hard, “Lay with me?”

“Of course,” the man replied, shifting to lie on his side next to him in the grass. “Like this?”

“Closer?” Jamie murmured, ashamed by his need for touch, even though there was a part of him that felt as if he’d fall deep into the darkness if he weren’t clinging to someone.

The man nodded, pressing his body against his hip and along his side. He caressed Jamie’s hair soothingly. “Like this?” he whispered in his ear, causing shivers to spark down his spine.

“Aye, that.”


Jamie had fallen asleep, letting the exhaustion of his limbs take him. He was soon dreaming - a dream where he saw frightening flying beasts and twenty castles in the sky, a dream where he lay in deep red grass surrounded by silver trees with man whose eyes looked just like -

“Who are you?” he asked, waking up.

“A friend,” the man whispered, still at his side. His body felt almost cool, but somehow still warmed him in the dark of the evening.

“A friend?” Jamie asked confused. “You in your strange clothes, with your strange eyes. I’ve no friends like you.”

Jamie felt the heat of tears against his skin, the stranger crying softly with his head nuzzled against his neck. “You knew me once,” he answered, his voice strained, “and you will know me again. I’ll always be here.”

“Right here?” Jamie patted the grass beside him.

“No,” the man shifted, caressing his hand over Jamie’s forehead, “here.” He replaced his fingertips with a small kiss on both his temples before settling back on the ground next to him.

Jamie didn’t understand what was happening, but he closed his eyes and let sleep take him again.


Jamie called out in pain, waking up again in the night. “It’s alright Jamie, I’m right here. What do you need?” the man - his friend - asked soothingly.

“I just want to feel something other than this,” he replied with a whimper.

The man shifted up on his elbow, leaning over Jamie again. He could see the white of his eyes glistening slightly from the light of the Moon before his fingertips pressed against his temples and he was distracted by a sudden sense of well being that swept through his body. Jamie moaned at the feeling, pleasure tickling every inch of skin at once, and he smiled as he noticed the strange man’s hardness pressed against his side.

Jamie’s own groin hardened in response. To his surprise, it didn’t feel at all wrong, just unbearably right.

“Touch me,” Jamie whispered, and for a moment he wasn’t sure if they were his own words or the stranger’s or both. It was as if the two of them were one, entwined in feelings and thoughts.

Jamie felt a cool hand slide up the skin of his thigh, avoiding his wound as it slowly slipped beneath his kilt and tentatively began to caress his cock lying beneath. The two of them moaned as skin touched skin, fingers caressing the length of him, fingers that seemed to know just how to touch him.

Jamie started to writhe with pleasure, but a strong voice - which oddly seemed only his head - warned, “Don’t move, Jamie. Just feel.”

“I need you closer,” Jamie gasped out, feeling a void and emptiness within him.

The man moved over him, very carefully easing his legs apart with one hand, and he winced slightly as he was feeling pain again now that the man was no longer in his head. He seemed to know exactly what Jamie wanted though, anticipating needs before he could even voice them, as he slowly worked two fingers inside him and he reached up with his other hand to continue stroking his cock.

Soon, his fingers were gone, but they were replaced by his own hardness, bearing down slowly as his delicious weight loomed above him. Jamie tried to move against him, wanting to rock his hips against his cool length, but the man stopped him again. He reached up with both hands, pressing his fingertips on his temples again and Jamie could feel his soothing presence in his mind again.

“You don’t need to move. Stay still. I don’t want you hurt,” he heard the man’s voice say, seeming to reverberate through every fiber of his being.

Jamie wasn’t sure what to do as he lay there, but soon he saw himself back on the red grass of his dream and he felt the man began to move against him, somehow knowing he was only doing so in his head. Jamie could feel each surge of pleasure as the man pushed inside him, feeling both the bliss of entering and receiving, his feelings entwining with the man’s again so that he was no longer sure where he began and the other man ended.

The pleasure rose in Jamie quickly, feeling almost like a blinding light filling him, and he found a name at the corner of his consciousness, a name in the man’s eyes. “Doctor,” he cried out, his climax hitting him.

He closed his eyes, but felt hot breath on his neck as the man continued to move within him. “Oh my dearest, Jamie,” he could hear him sigh against him as his own climax took him, shaking the two of them with moans and groans.

Everything was suddenly dark and Jamie clawed at the darkness, trying to find where he was. “It’s alright Jamie, I am here,” he heard the familiar voice speak around him.

“Doctor?” he asked, the name feeling suddenly familiar in his mouth, like a favorite food he’d not tasted since he was very young.

“Just sleep,” the man soothed and Jamie felt sleep take him.


Jamie woke up, light shining in his eyes. The morning sun was rising around him and he blinked as he looked around, noticing he seemed to be alone. He moved a hand down to feel his wound, noticing that it seemed to be completely mended and no longer hurting.

“Hello?” he called out, his voice echoing around him.

He could hear footsteps approaching quickly and he tensed, worried for a moment it might be Redcoats. He looked up to see who was casting the shadows over him to see the man and the woman from the night before standing just behind his head. They leaned down and pulled him to stand and he was surprised that, though he was a bit weak, it felt as if he could walk.

“It might be a bit stiff at first, but you should be walking normally within a few hours,” the mysterious woman said.

“How?” he asked, gaping at the two of them. In the light of the morning, they seemed almost more preternatural than they had in the dark - he in clothes of blue that covered his whole body and she in a red shirt and long black trousers.

The two of them were so beautiful; he felt his heart ache just looking at them.

“All you need to know is that you are safe,” the man said, his ancient eyes now looking sad as they gazed upon him.

Jamie wondered if their experience in the dark of the night had been another dream. He blushed at the thought of the pleasure he’d felt.

“Best of luck, Jamie,” the woman said sweetly, pulling him into a surprising embrace before she began to walk off toward a strange blue-shaped box on the hill near them.

Jamie felt a twinge inside him as he looked at the strange box, feeling suddenly drawn to it.

The man put his hand on his shoulder, stopping him as he had apparently started to walk after the mysterious woman. “You can’t come with us, Jamie. I’m so very sorry.”

Jamie looked deeply into the man’s eyes and felt suddenly so overwhelmed with grief that he was leaving, as if he were losing a dear friend. Warm tears began to pour down his cheeks and the man moved to embrace him.

“Doctor,” Jamie whispered against his neck and he could feel the man begin to weep alongside him.

Jamie wasn’t sure how long they had stood there - listening to the man’s confusing and manic whispers about how he’d lost him once and how it was wrong that he had even come there - but soon the man was moving from their embrace and heading up the hill toward the strange box that the woman had disappeared into.

The man looked at Jamie one last time, wiping the tears from his face on his sleeve, and then walked inside the box. A strange sound filled the air, the sound that he couldn’t quite identify the evening before, but a sound that brought him to his knees on the dewy grass.

The box disappeared and Jamie began to weep again.

multi-era, slash, romance, smut, ten/jamie, martha/ten, angst

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